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University Libraries

G. Ross Roy and Lucie C. Roy Scottish Literature Fund

Supports the use, development, preservation, and recognition of the G. Ross Roy Collection of Burnsiana & Scottish Literature.

Ross and Lucie Roy established this endowment in 2006 in order to support the use, development, preservation, and recognition of the G. Ross Roy Collection of Burnsiana and Scottish Literature in the Irvin Department of Rare Books and Special Collections. Funds from this endowment are used to acquire special treasures for the Roy Collection that could not otherwise be purchased. The continuing growth of the Roy Collection, the largest collection of Scottish Literature outside of Scotland, is dependent on donations to this endowment.


The Collection

The Roy Collection includes the works of Robert Burns, including a collection of over 30 Burns manuscripts, the Kilmarnock edition of Robert Burns's Poems, one of only two known copies of The Merry Muses, and a substantial collection of print editions of Burns poetry and prose, as well as books about his life and times. As Dr. Roy's interest in Scottish literature and culture was comprehensive, the collection also includes important works published before Robert Burns's time through twenty-first century literary, historical, and critical works.

A selection of important items from the Roy Collection has been digitized and is available from the Scottish Literature Digital Projects website. Read more about the collection.


The Roy Fellowship

Dr. Roy also established the W. Ormiston Roy Memorial Fellowship to support research on the Roy Collection. Learn more about the application process for the Roy Fellowship.


Lucie Roy, widow of Prof Ross Roy, died on October 30, 2018.  Lucie actively supported her husband’s research and collecting in Scottish literature for many years, and together they were generous donors to the Libraries.

Gifts in Lucie’s memory may be made to support the G. Ross Roy Collection of Burnsiana and Scottish Literature.  Make checks payable to: USC Educational Foundation, 1027 Barnwell Street, Columbia, SC  29208 –with a memo line of Roy Scottish Literature Fund, B11347.  For more information, contact Elizabeth Sudduth, 803-760-4767.


Updated 11/1/2018

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