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University Libraries

  • historic black and white photograph of South Caroliniana Library

University South Caroliniana Society

The University South Caroliniana Society is the private, non-profit patron organization for the South Caroliniana Library. The society works to acquire and preserve South Carolina’s documentary and cultural heritage.

The society was founded in 1937 at the invitation of University President J. Rion McKissick and the Caroliniana Committee of the university to help build the University’s South Carolina Collection. To assure the permanence of its work, the society was incorporated in 1951. Since then the society has functioned as a private, non-profit organization with the sole purpose being to assist the library in achieving its mission. Income from the society's endowment and membership dues are primarily devoted to the purchase of South Carolina materials.  

What We Do

  • Support the acquisition of South Carolina-related research materials of all kinds and from all periods
  • Promote the preservation, appreciation and use of these materials
  • Support collateral projects

New gifts are exhibited at the society’s annual spring meeting, and members are kept apprised of the library’s work through two regular publications: the Caroliniana Columns bi-annual newsletter Caroliniana Columns and the annual report of acquisitions. The society also assists with other publications resulting from research in the library’s holdings.

Membership Benefits

Society members receive:

  • invitations to the annual meeting and special events throughout the year 
  • a subscription to Caroliniana Columnsour bi-annual newsletter
  • the annual report of acquisitions


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