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University Libraries

Course Materials Support

Send us your syllabus to request links in Blackboard for articles, streaming videos, book chapters, ebooks and Open Educational Resources. We can even consider purchasing new items to support your teaching.

Use the Course Materials Request form for help with articles, books and films in both online and physical formats.


Online Materials in Blackboard

Add scans or links to course readings in Blackboard. University Libraries will help address any copyright issues. Requests made at least 3 weeks before classes begin receive priority.

Print Materials


The library has a large collection of print textbooks, especially for courses with over 100 students. To see if the library has the textbook for your course, search by book title or course number in Find It @ USC Libraries under Course Reserves. 

Other Materials

Ask to put items on reserve at Circulation for the full semester.

  • Print or ebooks in the library collection
  • Personal copies from the instructor
  • Request new purchases for the collection (ebook is default)

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.