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University Libraries

Schedule Library Instruction

Have a librarian teach your students the information literacy and library research skills they need to successfully complete their course assignments.

Make a Request

Sample instruction topics include searching the Find It @ USC catalog, using general and subject-specific databases, basic and advanced search strategies, or locating a source from a citation.

Please note the following requirements:

  • Submit your request at least 14 days in advance
  • Your course must have an assignment that requires use of library resources
  • Instructors must attend the session to answer assignment-related questions
  • Sessions are not scheduled until you receive confirmation

Complete the online request form or email your subject librarian to schedule.

Instruction Options

Librarians will work with you to customize sessions to fit the needs of your course and assignment(s):

  • Sessions can take all or only part of your class period
  • You can schedule multiple sessions over the course of the semester
  • Location can be your classroom, a library classroom, or online
  • Instruction can be asynchronous using online tutorials or guides

Tips for Successful Sessions

Prepare your students to get the most out of their library instruction:

  • Discuss the assignment with students before the session
  • Schedule instruction at the point when students are starting their research
  • Provide the librarian with the assignment materials in advance

No Research Assignment?

Due to staffing constraints, instruction sessions with a librarian must be designed around a course assignment requiring research. But you can still use existing online tutorials and research guides to give your students an introduction to the library.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.