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University Libraries

Textbooks and Course Materials

University Libraries gives students access to assigned textbooks and other course materials whenever possible, especially for courses with more than 100 students.

The Checkout Desk is open 8-6pm M-F

Textbook Collection

Check out textbooks on a first-come, first-served basis at the Checkout Desk on the Main Level of Thomas Cooper Library. You must have a valid CarolinaCard. 

The library has a large collection of print textbooks, especially for courses with over 100 students. Additional materials are also provided by instructors or the library's collections, but the library does not have the assigned textbook for every course offered at the university.

Search Find It @ USC Libraries by book title or course number (ex. HIST112) to see if the library has your assigned text. Limit to Course Reserves for better results.

Check Out Policy

Generally, you can borrow textbooks for 2 hours and they must stay in the building. There are exceptions, and exact due date and time is provided at check out. Renewals are not allowed so all students have the opportunity to use these in-demand items.

Fines and Blocked Accounts

Returning a textbook late can block you from future textbook check outs.

  • Hourly loans for building use only: $5 per hour
  • Extended loans for 1 day, 3 days or 1 week: $15 per day

Other Course Materials

We are working with instructors to make course materials, such as ebooks, online articles and streaming films, available in Blackboard whenever possible. Please check Blackboard or contact your instructor.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.