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University Libraries

Request an Interlibrary Loan

Need materials you can't find through University Libraries? Interlibrary Loan is a free service for accessing books, articles and research materials from other libraries.

Login to request, renew and view materials
Select your campus and enter your network username and password. First-time users will be prompted to register.


Making Requests

Who is Eligible?

  • Currently-enrolled USC Columbia students
  • USC Columbia faculty and staff
  • UofSC Alumni Association members

When to Request

If you have tried searching and what you want is not available in the libraries' collections or online resources.

What to Request

Interlibrary Loan will try to get any type of research materials except textbooks and other assigned materials for current courses available at the University Bookstore. Some materials may be difficult to obtain.


Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.