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Library Resources for Graduate Students

Research Support


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Interlibrary Loan can get you materials University Libraries may not have.

Explore our special collections, including rare books, digital collections, government information and maps, educational films, South Carolina political collections, oral history, Moving Image Research Collections, and materials of all kinds about South Carolina in our South Caroliniana Library.

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Teaching Support

We can:

Notable Resources

Professional Development and Training Workshops

Our SHARPGrads program offers a robust series of free workshops in digital scholarship, computing and library research for graduate students on the Columbia campus.

The Digital Humanities Working Group provides resources and support to scholars in the humanities and social sciences who are interested in using computation to expand the scope of their research.

Our Digital Research Services team hosts workshops and training sessions throughout the academic year.

Study Space

The Graduate Lounge at the front of the Thomas Cooper Library on level 5 is accessible to all graduate students by Carolina Card and offers space for quiet individual or group study.

Thomas Cooper Library offers more than 2,000 seats on seven levels for quiet or collaborative study.

Group study rooms are also available.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.