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University Libraries

Changes are coming to HathiTrust ETAS

The HathiTrust Emergency Temporary Access Service (ETAS) — put in place last year to provide UofSC faculty, students and other researchers remote access to print materials that were restricted during the pandemic —will be deactivated Monday, May 10.

University Libraries will continue serving our users who work remotely by providing access to print items by scanning and sending chapters through Interlibrary Loan. We also will mail books by request.

The deactivation of HathiTrust ETAS means that our users will no longer have digital access to the “Temporary access” titles through HathiTrust. Users will still have search access to the full collection of the approximately 17.4 million digitized items, as well as full-text, downloadable access to approximately 6.8 million of those items.

After deactivation, users will see titles in the HathiTrust Digital Library presented in a different way. Titles that previously appeared as “Temporary Access” for logged-in users will be displayed with the label “Limited (search only).” Copyright restrictions apply to these items. Items in “Full View” are available via the public domain or through Creative Commons licenses.

According to analytics made available by HathiTrust, ETAS made approximately 45.64 percent of University Libraries’ print collection available digitally online. It was an invaluable resource for our users who found themselves suddenly teaching and learning remotely.

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