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University Libraries

Solomon Blatt Papers

Sol Blatt's legislative career in the South Carolina House of Representatives (Barnwell County) spanned more than half a century, 1933-1986. He served as Speaker 1937-1946 and 1951-1973. At the time of his death in 1986, he was honored as the country's longest-serving state legislator by the Council of State Governments in Lexington, Ky.

Blatt, Solomon (1895-1986)

Papers, 1918-1986, 20 ft.

Collection Finding Aid 
The collection documents Blatt's personal life, legal practice, and legislative career. In addition, there are photographs, loose newspaper clippings and forty-one scrapbooks, and papers relating to the life and career of son and federal judge Solomon Blatt, Jr.

Solomon Blatt: In His Own Words 
A digitized collection of documents from the Blatt Papers detailing his career in public service.

The Bridge Builder: Solomon Blatt Reflects on a Lifetime of Service to South Carolina (1986)
This remarkable book is a collection of oral histories conducted with Speaker Blatt and published by McKissick Museum of the University of South Carolina in a limited edition. Blatt forged a remarkable career of service. He served as a doughboy in the trenches overseas during World War I, practiced law in Barnwell, and provided sound leadership to South Carolina as a member and long-time Speaker of the South Carolina House of Representatives (1937-1946 and 1951-1973).  He also mentored many legislators who became important leaders in their own right.


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Memory Hold the Door - USC Law School

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