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Digital Accessibility

Automated Accessibility Issues

With our in-house tool called Gamecock Accessibility Checker, site managers can find tailored advice for how to fix the following issues in Modern Campus CMS. Siteimprove also automatically scans each unit site for these accessibility issues. 

Let's "CHAT" About Accessibility

Three students with disabilities chat at a table outside Russell House.

The acronym CHAT can help you remember what types of automated accessibility issues you can fix as a site manager: 

  • Color contrast
  • Headings
  • Alt text (aka text alternative or accessible name)
  • Tables

Specifically, you can fix these automated accessibility issues:

What about Other Accessibility Issues?

Automated accessibility checkers like Gamecock Accessibility Checker and Siteimprove can't catch every single accessibility issue on your site.

Refer to our CMS cheat sheet [PDF] for more best practices to apply within Modern Campus CMS.


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