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Digital Accessibility

Pull Quote with an Image

If you add an image to your pull quote component in the CMS, make sure you include alt text for the image.

Example Pull Quote

Pull quotes are a great way to add visual interest to your page's content. You can easily add an image with alt text to the Pull Quote with Image component.

Some may be living with a hidden disability but still need support and resources from the university. Those hidden disabilities shouldn’t go unnoticed.

Candid headshot of a female student with an invisible disability.

The alt text for the above image is "Candid headshot of a female student with an invisible disability." If you include a pull quote attribution, you should also include the person's name in your alt text.

Adding & Replacing Alt Text

  1. Open the Edit Component - Pull Quote with Image dialog.
  2. Add your image and write your alt text in the Alt Text field.
    Screenshot of the Edit Component - Pull Quote with Image dialog. An image has been selected and the following alt text is provided: Candid headshot of a female student with an invisible disability.
  3. Save your updated component.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.