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Digital Accessibility

Image Gallery Alt Text

You will need to offer alt text for every image in your image gallery or your single image gallery callout because they function as links, and every linked image must have alt text.

Adding & Replacing Alt Text

Be sure to add alt text when you build your gallery and update the alt text every time you change out an image.

  1. Select the "Edit" tab, then click "Images" in the left sidebar to jump down to your uploaded images. 
    • The Asset edit page. At the top, the Edit tab option is emphasized with a garnet rectangle. In the left column, a tab for Images is also surrounded by a garnet rectangle.
  2. Add your alt text to the "Description" field and to the "Caption" field. The "Description" field acts as the alt text for the linked thumbnail, whereas the "Caption" field acts as the alt text for the image within the gallery.
    Screenshot of gallery images in edit mode. The following alt text is provided for both the Description and Caption fields: Three students with disabilities smile before the library fountain.
  3. Click "Save" at the top of the page to confirm.

Video Tutorial

Learn how to add alt text to your image gallery.

Captions & Alt Text

Most of the time, alt text and captions serve very different purposes. However, for the image gallery asset, you should include the alt text in the "Description" and in the "Caption" fields.

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