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Digital Accessibility

Alt Text in the CMS

Alt text is often called an "alternative description" or an "image description" in the CMS. Regardless of which snippet your image is part of, writing descriptive alt text is important for communicating the visual information in your image to screen reader users.

Steps for Writing Alt Text in the CMS

  1. Don't begin with "Image of..." 
    A screen reader will already tell the user that this is an image, so you don't need to include the words "image of" or "photo of" in your alt text. However, do mention if your visual is a particular type of image like an illustration, headshot, infographic, collage, chart, or diagram.

  2. Examine the image closely.
    What visual information is the image conveying in the context of your page? What information would you not have if you could not see this image? Only mark it as a decorative image if it truly does not convey any important information or if its visual information is already repeated nearby on the page.

  3. If the image is linked, write alt text that describes the link's purpose.
    Linked images (e.g., in video callouts or image galleries) should have alt text that conveys the function of the link or where the link will transport the user.

    However, if the image is part of a link that already has visible text describing the link's purpose (e.g., in an image grid or simple list snippet), you should either describe the image's visual information or mark it as decorative.

  4.  Include the text in the image.
    It's best to avoid using images with text embedded in them. However, if words are part of your visual, you should include them in your alt text so that screen reader users don't miss out on important text.

  5. Determine if the image is complex.
    Complex images such as infographics or charts & diagrams should have brief alt text that identifies the basic properties of the image, followed by a long description that contains the essential text and information communicated by the image.

  6. Consider the context of your snippet or component.
    Most images that you add in the CMS are part of a snippet or component. Check out our examples of alt text within each of these snippets for ideas of how to craft your alt text and how to add it to your image.

Examples of Alt Text in the CMS

General Help with Writing Alt Text

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