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Academic Advising

Our Advisors and Staff

Andrew Winterfeldt

Title: Undergraduate Academic Advisor II
Molinaroli College of Engineering & Computing
Academic Advising
Phone: 803-777-4177
Office: Swearingen 1A00
Andrew is pictured from the shoulders up. He is wearing a gray collared shirt with a blue striped tie.


B.S. Hospitality & Tourism Management, North Dakota State University
M.Ed. HIgher Education & Student Affairs, University of South Carolina 


Hometown: Belle Plaine, MN

About Me: I am originally from Minnesota, but chose the University of South Carolina for graduate school after meeting some amazing students, faculty and staff during a visit. I figured out halfway through my undergraduate career, while I was a resident assistant, that I wanted to work with college students. I enjoy reading, creative writing, watching movies and TV shows, and playing games on Xbox. I also regularly take the Jeopardy Online Test and am an avid collector of Funko Pop! figurines. There are currently over 800 in my collection. I try to rotate some of the Pops on display in my office, so stop by to see what's new! I am also a published poet.

Favorite Quote: “The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. The good things don’t always soften the bad things, but vice versa, the bad things don’t always spoil the good things and make them unimportant.” -The Doctor

Advice to Students: You are here to earn a degree, but be sure to find something to be involved in outside of the classroom too! Find something on campus (or off) that you are interested in. Not only does it provide you with something fun to do, but it can look good to future employers too!

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
