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Academic Advising

  • In the foreground a major map with a list of suggested courses is shown next to a list of UofSC majors. In the Background an advisors brown hands are clasped.

Advisor Toolbox

The following resources are for academic advisors on the USC campus, including information on in-person training and professional development events, advising technologies, common forms, and major maps.

Advising Technology

The University of South Carolina incorporates several key advising platforms into the advising workflow. Advisors who are new to the Columbia campus or advisors who are requesting additional or renewed access should follow the steps below. 

Advisor Communication

The University Advising Center provides the USC advising community relevant information and updates through streamlined communication sources. 

Advisor Recognition

We value the importance of recognizing and showing appreciation of academic advisors and the positive impact they have on the USC community. Initiatives such as the Appreciating Academic Advisors program, annual Advisor Awards, Advisor Spotlight series are just some of the ways we recognize and highlight the significant work of Academic Advisors at USC.

Major Maps

A major map is a layout of required courses in a given program of study, including critical courses and suggested course sequence to ensure a clear path to graduation. Advisors should log in to the Major Map Repository with their USC network credentials to access a major map. 

UAC Sharepoint: Advisor Resources

Access advisor resources, communications, technology, an in-depth intervention repository, professional development resources, as well as resources for supervisors of UAAs. This is a password protected intranet site.

University Advisors Network

The UAN provides resources for all USC faculty and professional staff advisors serving undergraduate students. Effective advising supports traditional academic progression in the classroom, studio, and lab as well as extra-curricular engagement and personal growth necessary for life-long achievement. The UAN is the coordinating council for advisors at USC. Each college has a representative in the UAN who serves as a liaison to relay college comments and share institutional information to enhance campus-wide advising effectiveness.


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