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Academic Advising

Ensuring Degree-Applicable Credit

Undergraduate Academic Advisors review assigned advisees' course registrations to ensure enrollment in degree-applicable courses, prerequisites met, and sufficient credit hours.

Intended Outcomes: 

The intended outcome of the Ensuring Degree-Applicable Credit initiative (also referred to as the Caseload Scrub) is to reduce the number of students enrolled in incorrect and/or unnecessary classes. All course registrations for students assigned to UAAs should be reviewed as part of this initiative. 

“Degree-Applicable Credit” is defined as credit that counts towards the degree in some way. This initiative should also review credit hours (upcoming semester and overall hours) to ensure that students are on track to graduate in their intended semester and are meeting any progression requirements.

Timeline for Intervention:

Fall - Mid-April (continuing students)/Mid-August (incoming students) to the Add/Drop Deadline 

Spring - Mid-December to the Add/Drop Deadline

Intervention Process: 

After the primary registration period, advisors review their assigned advisee list to determine if any students still need to schedule their advising appointment and whether advised students have registered for courses for the upcoming term. Advisors utilize reporting tools in EAB Navigate to identify students who have registered for the upcoming semester and to initiate contact with any non-registered students. 

Advisors then review their students' course registration in the Degreeworks degree audit, including:

  • number of total credit hours for the semester
  • how courses apply to degree requirements
  • placement test information
  • final grades for current semester courses (if available)
  • progression requirements (if applicable)
  • prerequisite course requirements/enrollment

If advisors identify any errors or concerns with a student's registration, they contact the student directly to provide assistance and alternate course recommendations as needed. Re-advisement is noted in Degreeworks.

Additional Considerations for Incoming Students: 

The records of students entering their first semester at USC are reviewed after the completion of summer orientation. In addition to the above details, advisors also check for prior collegiate work that has posted ot the student's record and ensure that students have taken appropriate placement tests.

College Considerations:

Specific colleges may choose to run this initiative at different times based on certain progression requirements (prerequisites, GPA, etc.). 

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.