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Academic Advising

Ensuring Degree-Applicable Credit

Undergraduate Academic Advisors review assigned advisees' course registrations to ensure enrollment in degree-applicable courses, prerequisites met, and sufficient credit hours.

Intended Outcomes: 

The intended outcome of the Ensuring Degree-Applicable Credit (also referred to as the Caseload Scrub) intervention is to significantly reduce the number of students enrolled in incorrect and/or unnecessary classes. All course registrations for students assigned to UAAs should be reviewed as part of this initiative. 

“Degree-Applicable Credit” is defined as credit that counts towards the degree in some way. This initiative should also review credit hours (upcoming semester and overall hours) to ensure that students are on track to graduate in their intended semester and are meeting any progression requirements.

Timeline for Intervention:

Fall - Mid-April (continuing students)/Mid-August (incoming students) to the Add/Drop Deadline 

Spring - Mid-December to the Add/Drop Deadline

Intervention Process (recommended): 

  1. Review your assigned advisee list.
    • Identify any students that have not been advised and remind them to meet with you.
  2. Identify students who have registered for the upcoming semester.
    • Use the EAB Navigate dashboard to see your enrolled students or run a "student enrollment" report for the upcoming semester.
    • Use the advanced search in EAB Navigate to populate a list of your students who are not registered with the following filters:
      • Enrollment Terms (In All of these): enter the current term
      • Enrollment Terms (In None of these): enter the upcoming term
      • Select "My Students Only" 
        • If you know why a student is not enrolled, please note the reason in EAB (no outreach to student necessary).
        • If you do not know why a student is not enrolled, reach out to the student to offer assistance.
    • Consider using a pivot table to filter and organize student information.
  3. Check each student's course registration. 
    • Look up the student in Degreeworks.
      • Be sure to  “process new” to view the most updated information.
    • Review the number of credit hours the student has enrolled in for the upcoming semester.
      • If you notice that a student is not enrolled in at least 15 hours and you do not know why, reach out to the student to share the value of 15-hour enrollment each semester and encourage them to enroll in additional courses.
    • Check that all courses are degree-applicable. You may use the fall-through courses section of the DegreeWorks audit to assist with identifying any unnecessary electives.
    • If a student needs to take/retake any placement tests, check that this step has been completed.
    • Review final grades to check for failed progression/prerequisite courses.  Reach out to any students who need to retake a failed course and/or adjust their schedule for the next semester.
  4. Document the outcome of your review
    • If the student is on track and enrolled correctly, make a note on EAB and consider emailing the student to confirm.
    • If you find anything that necessitates schedule revisions, e-mail the student directly. Document your outreach as a note on the student’s EAB Navigate record and place any re-advisement notes in DegreeWorks.

Ensuring degree-applicable credit for incoming students: 

The records of students entering their first semester at USC should be reviewed after the completion of summer orientation. Please consider the following for these students:

  • If non-UAA academic advisors supported orientation advisement, determine a way to ensure that all students’ records are checked. This may mean scrubbing records of students you did not advise.
  • Be sure to check any prior collegiate work that has now posted to the student's record. If you have students with outstanding unevaluated transfer coursework, reach out to Amanda Shores.
  • Ensure that students have taken the Math Placement Test and Foreign Language Placement Test. If you encouraged a student to retake either test, check that they have done so and follow up as necessary.
  • Timing
    • Starting your scrub early (right after registration) may allow you to catch students’ attention while they are still on campus/before they leave for break, allowing them time to make corrections.
    • Look ahead on your personal calendar and consider when you will have sufficient time to complete this process. There can be a lighter advising period after registration where you may have more time to dedicate to the process than after final grades post for the semester.
    • Waiting to begin the process until after final grades post may allow you to check for failed progression courses at the same time as upcoming registration and recommend any changes simultaneously.
  • Prioritization
    • Consider starting with seniors needing to graduate or other populations that need to meet specific requirements first so that you can address the most pressing issues early.
  • Progression Requirements
    • If there are certain courses required for your major, be sure to check those as part of this process. Note that each college's requirements may affect the timing of this initiative; for example, CEC students may be reviewed after final grades post to check for failed progression courses.
    • If your students need to meet any other progression requirements (such as GPA, credit hours, etc.), be sure to check those requirements and reach out accordingly.
  • Using DegreeWorks
    • It can take a day for DegreeWorks to sync with Banner (
    • Consider freezing the DegreeWorks record after completing this process to create a date stamp of when you reviewed the student's courses.

I’m about to start reviewing my advisees' registered courses for next semester. I encourage you to review your degree audit in Degree Works. If you have questions about your courses, please feel free to reach out. As I review students’ schedules I will contact you if I see something on your schedule for next semester is not applicable to your degree.

Hi [student first name], 
I'm reviewing my advisees schedules for next semester and noticed that...

  • You are not enrolled in [course], which is a requirement for your major that you need to complete next semester. Please see if there are sections available that work in your schedule. If not, please let me know so that I can help you navigate getting into this important course.
  • You are only registered for four courses. Was this intentional? Did you know that students typically take five classes or at least fifteen credits per semester to graduate on time?
  • You are not registered in any courses for next semester. Is there anything I can do to assist you in getting registered?

College Considerations

  • Specific colleges may choose to run this initiative at different times based on certain progression requirements (prerequisites, GPA, etc.). 

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
