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Academic Advising

University Academic Probation

Academic probation is both an academic standing as well as recovery process for students whose cumulative USC GPA is below a 2.00.

The Academic Probation Process

Students are placed on academic probation so that they can begin the process of returning to good academic standing and avoid being placed on academic suspension. Once a student’s cumulative USC GPA is above a 2.00, they are no longer on academic probation. (Please note: university academic probation is separate from the probation standards of individual colleges or schools. Contact your primary academic advisor for information on probation standards in your college or school.)

Total Institutional GPA Hours Placed on Probation Continue on Probation
(Avoid Suspension)
Removed from Probation
12-35  below 2.00 Total Institutional GPA 1.500 or higher Total Institutional GPA 2.00 or higher Total Institutional GPA
36-71 below 2.00 Total Institutional GPA 1.800 or higher Total Institutional GPA 2.00 or higher Total Institutional GPA
72+ below 2.00 Total Institutional GPA only with semester reprieve* or by college petition 2.00 or higher Total Institutional GPA

* SEMESTER REPRIEVE: Regardless of the Total Institutional GPA, a student may continue on probation and avoid suspension if the Current Term point average is 2.50 or greater

First semester freshman and first semester transfer students are sent an email to their USC student email inbox notifying them of their inclusion in the university academic probation process and identifying next steps. (If you think you are a first semester student on university academic probation but did not receive an email notification please call 803-777-1222 for assistance.) All students can view their academic standing on their student profile page in Self Service Carolina

First, realize that you are not alone! Many students experience a temporary setback for a range of reasons. USC is committed to helping you get back on track to academic success.

Your next step depends on where you are in your academic career:

  • First Semester Freshmen on university academic probation are required to attend an Academic Coaching appointment with the University Advising Center. First semester freshmen can schedule their Academic Coaching appointment according to the instructions in the email from the University Advising Center. Students placed on university probation after the fall 2024 semester should expect an email the week of December 16, 2024. Students placed on university probation after the spring 2025 semester should expect an email the week of May 12, 2025. After scheduling the coaching session, first semester freshmen should complete an Academic Coaching Profile prior to the appointment. During your appointment, you and your Coach will work to outline your goals, identify your unique strengths, and determine the steps you need to take to regain good academic standing. (Please note: You will not be able to register for the subsequent semester until you have attended an Academic Coaching appointment and completed this required process.)
  • First semester transfer students on university academic probation are strongly encouraged to make an make an Academic Coaching appointment with the University Advising Center. First semester transfer students can schedule their Academic Coaching appointment according to the instructions in the email from the University Advising Center. Students placed on university probation after the fall 2024 semester should expect an email the week of December 16, 2024. Students placed on university probation after the spring 2025 semester should expect an email the week of May 12, 2025. After scheduling the coaching session, first semester transfer students should complete an Academic Coaching Profile prior to the appointment. During your appointment, you and your Coach will work to outline your goals, identify your unique strengths, and determine the steps you need to take to regain good academic standing.
  • Upperclassmen on university academic probation are strongly encouraged to make an make an Academic Coaching appointment with the University Advising Center. Upperclassmen wishing to make a Coaching appointment should email the University Advising Center at or call at 803-777-1222.

Raise your cumulative USC GPA to a 2.00 or above and you will come off university academic probation.

A note on Semester Reprieve: regardless of the cumulative USC GPA, a student may continue on university academic probation and avoid suspension if the current term GPA is 2.50 or greater.

Students should contact the Office of Financial Aid immediately to inquire about the affect of academic probation on their financial aid by calling 803-777-8134.

Students on academic probation who receive federal, state, or private education loans are also required to complete the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) process as mandated by the US Department of Education.


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