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Academic Advising

Academic Suspension

Any student who is on probation at the beginning of a fall or spring semester must achieve a certain Total Institutional GPA (see probation chart) at the end of that semester in order to avoid suspension. Students unable to meet these standards are suspended from the University of South Carolina. A student's first academic suspension is served for one fall or spring semester and the contiguous summer (approximately eight months).

Students who have been readmitted after their first suspension are required to follow additional standards to avoid a subsequent suspension.  

While on Suspension

Wondering what’s next? See the answers to many FAQs and links to helpful resources and next steps below. You can still be successful at USC—after reapplying to USC after you’ve served your suspension you will work  1 on 1 with an Academic Coach to recommit to your academic success. 

When you find out about your suspension, take some time to reflect on this experience. Ask yourself:

  • What were some obstacles I encountered?
  • Where do I want to go from here?
  • Can I overcome these obstacles in the future if I return to USC?
  • What will I do during my suspension period?

After some reflection, find someone close who can help you process your experience and can support you in making your own important decisions about your future.  Be honest, but realistic, about your goals and plans for the future.

Students wishing to appeal their suspension must do so through the college or school from which they were suspended; if you changed your major during or after the semester in which you were suspended, do not appeal to your new college or school. 

Stay engaged! Find a job or some activities within your community that keep you active. Such activities might focus on service, academic, and/or work-related experiences. Think about what career goals you may have for the future and seek out activities that will give you greater insight into your chosen career field. The Career Center may be a helpful resource! Throughout your suspension, reflect on your experiences by asking yourself some of the following questions:

  • Have my engagement opportunities provided me further insight or assurance of my life goals?
  • What qualifications and/or skills will I need to reach my goals?
  • Will I need to return to USC to earn a degree in order to advance towards my life goals?
  • What have I missed about USC? What am I looking forward to enjoying again at USC?

Please make sure you are still periodically checking your USC e-mail account.

If it is your first time being suspended and you are suspended after the spring semester, your suspension period is the following summer and fall semesters. If you are suspended after the fall semester, your suspension period is the following spring and summer semesters.

The duration of a second suspension, or indefinite suspension, is a minimum of two years.

According to the Undergraduate Academic Bulletin, while serving suspension a student may not be admitted to, or continue in, any academic program of the University. Credit earned at any another institution while a student is on suspension from South Carolina may not be applied toward a degree from USC, unless approved by the Standards and Petitions Committee of the college to which the student is readmitted. Prior approvals for transient study will be revoked for suspended students.


Apply for Readmission

After you have served your suspension period, you may choose to reapply for admission at USC. If you have less than a 2.0 GPA, readmission to the program in which you were previously enrolled is not automatic. It is likely that you will need to petition to an academic department for readmission. The admissions office will let you know after reviewing your application and will send you the necessary paperwork.

It is very important that you pay close attention to the due dates for the readmission application. If you are reapplying for admission for the fall semester, your application is due by July 1. If you are reapplying for admission for the spring semester, your application is due by November 1. If you wish to return to USC, you will need to decide which major you intend to pursue upon readmission. You can speak to an admissions counselor to learn more about the academic options available at USC. You may also need to think about reapplying for financial aid.

Learn more about USC’s readmission process from the Office of Undergraduate Admissions or call them at 803-777-7700 to speak with an admissions counselor.


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