McDonald, Heyward E. (1925-2000)
Papers, 1962-2000, 2005, 3.25 ft.
Heyward Elliott McDonald served in the South Carolina General Assembly from 1963 until 1984. His supporters regarded him as an honest politician with a heart for his community, unafraid to take a stand even when it wasn't popular. His service in the House representing Richland County spanned from 1963 to 1966. This term was followed by election to the Richland County school board, where he served from 1968 to 1970. He then served in the S.C. Senate representing Richland, Fairfield and Chester Counties from 1977 to 1984. In 1984 McDonald was appointed to the state Board of Education by Governor Richard Riley.
Collection Finding Aid
The collection is arranged in four series: Public Papers, Personal Papers, Audio-Visual
Materials, and Clippings. Public papers are comprised mostly of correspondence generated
during McDonald’s terms in public office. Personal papers document McDonald's campaigns,
as well as including correspondence, biographical information, law school notes, papers
relating to McDonald’s legal career, and material related to his religious activities.
Related Link:
Memory Hold the Door (USC Law School)