Hollings, Ernest F. "Fritz" (1922 - 2019)
Papers, 1943-2009, 800 ft.
In the House, Hollings supported anti-lynching legislation, a sales tax for education, an increase in teacher salaries, and unemployment compensation reform. He went after industrial interests as Lt. Governor and built on this success as Governor. He worked to improve the state's educational system at all levels, develop industry, and balance the budget, helping South Carolina earn the AAA credit rating. As Senator, he cultivated a lasting interest and devotion to issues including campaign financing, international trade, public education, space exploration, telecommunications, transportation security, hunger and poverty, oceans and the environment, and the federal budget.
Collection Finding Aids
This extensive collection chiefly documents Hollings' political career. Also included
are records from his personal life and campaigns for office.
- Gubernatorial Papers (includes limited pre-gubernatorial papers)
- Senate Papers:
- Senate Papers: Legislative Files and Constituent Correspondence (arranged by topic):
- Senate Papers:
- Personal Papers (includes Campaign Files)
- Speeches 1952-2004
- Audiovisual 1943-2008 (includes photographs)
- Clippings 1952-2009
Oral History Transcript (22 pages)
In this 1980 interview, Senator Hollings discusses the integration of Clemson University, 1962-1963.
Fritz Hollings: In His Own Words
A digitized collection of Senator Hollings' writings, speeches, photographs, and
audio files from his days as Lt. Governor, Governor, and U.S. Senator. 200 items showcase
the compelling intellect, keen wit, and, at times, sharp tongue that Hollings was
known for in South Carolina and on Capitol Hill.
Digitized Film from the Hollings Papers available on the MIRC website (campaign and promotional television spots)
Related Collection:
Gubernatorial Records at the S.C. Department of Archives & History
Related Links:
Congressional Biographical Directory
S.C. Governors (at “SCIway”)
Related Oral Histories (staff members or campaign workers of Governor/Senator Hollings):
Oral History Transcript, Andy Brack (41 pages)
Andrew Clayborne Brack served as campaign spokesman during Fritz Hollings’ 1992 campaign for reelection to the United States Senate. In that race, Hollings was opposed by Republican and former United States Congressman Tommy Hartnett. Hollings seat had been targeted by the Republican Party as vulnerable and, indeed, the race proved to be one of the closest in Hollings’ history. He won reelection with 50.07% of the vote.
In the interview, Brack talks at length about the campaign and his role as spokesman, and his estimate of the Hartnett campaign.
Oral History Transcript, Michael Copps (33 pages)
Dr. Copps worked for Hollings as a special research assistant, executive assistant,
and Administrative Assistant, 1970-1985. Copps reflects on Hollings' work habits and
character, provides astute descriptions of the inner workings of the Hollings Office,
and comments on Hollings' impact on the debate over the SALT treaties, the Carter
administration's passage of the Panama Canal treaties, and Hollings' 1984 Presidential
campaign and decision to shift from the Budget Committee to Commerce.
Oral History Transcript, Walter Harper (36 pages)
Gov. Hollings campaigned in 1958 on a promise to improve the state's economic climate.
Soon after taking office, he expanded the SC Development Board membership and brought
Walter Harper on as Director to plan, organize, and help lead an energetic development
effort aimed at expanding current manufacturing enterprises, bringing new industry
to SC, and promoting tourism. Harper had been engaged in development work in NC under
Gov. Luther Hodges. In this 1997 interview, Harper reflects on his leadership of the
Development Board, 1959-1967.
Oral History Transcript, Mary Winton Hughes (41 pages)
Hughes reflects on her career as a Senate staff member in the office of Fritz Hollings
in this 1993 interview. She started in his office in 1969.
Oral History Transcript, Karen Kollmansperger (29 pages)
In this 1993 interview, Kollmansperger reflects on her experiences in Washington,
D.C., chiefly while working as a Senate staff member in the office of Fritz Hollings.
She started in his office in 1967.
Oral History Transcript, Joe Maupin (40 pages)
Maupin was Hollings' Charleston Area Director. In this 1999 interview, he reflects
on his service directing the Low Country operations of the office, beginning in 1978.
Oral History Transcript, Bernard B. "Bubba" Meng (21 pages)
Meng graduated from USC and initially became involved in South Carolina politics
through his friendship with fellow student Liz Johnston, daughter of US Senator Olin
D. Johnston. Meng worked for Johnston in Washington in the early 1960s, later joined
Hollings' 1966 Senate campaign staff, and stayed on with Hollings as his Home Secretary
until his retirement in 1989.
Oral History Transcript, Martha Payne (23 pages)
Payne worked for Hollings first while he served as Governor of South Carolina and
rejoined his staff shortly after his election to the U.S. Senate. Her work in the
Senator's Columbia office chiefly entailed constituent service work. Payne gave this
interview upon her retirement in 1995.
Oral History Transcript, James Madison Waddell, Jr. (22 pages)
Former state senator Waddell of Beaufort, South Carolina, reflects on state government,
his service in the General Assembly as a member of the House, 1955-1958, and Senate,
1961-1993, and involvement in the campaigns of Fritz Hollings, 1960 and 1966, and
John West in 1970.
Oral History Transcript, Harry Walker (29 pages)
Walker served as Hollings' legal assistant, 1959-1963. He was responsible for all
legal matters that reached the Governor's office, advised Hollings on the constitutionality
of bills sent for his signature, oversaw statewide appointments and those requiring
Senate confirmation, and served as disaster coordinator for the state and as liaison
with all law enforcement. This latter capacity proved particularly challenging, as
Walker worked closely with SLED chief Pete Strom to ensure the peace during this watershed
period of civil rights activities.