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University Libraries

Robert Burns Manuscripts

This project makes available full digital facsimiles of all manuscripts by Robert Burns in the Roy Collection and of all other manuscripts relating to Burns written before 1830.

The G. Ross Roy Collection has a variety of manuscripts by and relating to Robert Burns, including poetic manuscripts in the poet’s hand; letters written by Burns, letters and poems addressed to him, portions of manuscript relating to his government work for the Excise, a portion of his glossary for the 1787 Edinburgh edition of his Poems, a signed promissory note, and much else. While some items here have been in the library for a number of years or have been acquired since the Roy Collection came to the library in 1989, the majority had remained in Dr. & Mrs. Roy’s personal collection until they were transferred to the University in January 2008, in preparation for the Robert Burns 250th Anniversary. Fuller descriptions of all these manuscripts are included in Elizabeth Sudduth’s The G. Ross Roy Collection … An Illustrated Catalogue (University of South Carolina Press, 2009).

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