Submitting Referrals for Absent and Disengaged Students
Faculty are encouraged to submit alerts regarding students not attending class and/or not performing well in class. The process for submiting an alert is as follows:
- Login to using your USC username and password. (DUO Authentication required)
- On your Professor Home screen, click on the “Issue an Alert” button on the right side menu.
- Using your course roster, type the USCID, username, or full name of the student you wish to submit an alert for in the box titled “Student”
- Please select the reason the student needs assistance (Class Absence, Poor Grades/Assignment Concerns, and/or Other)
- Select the course.
- Share relevant information in “Additional Comments”
- Click “Submit.”
Repeat for additional referrals.
- Alert - Class Absence:
- Student has missed 2 or more consecutive classes and/or missed regularly (but not consecutively)
- Student has stopped attending your class
- Student has not responded to your communication after missing one or more classes
- Alert - Poor Grades/Assignment Concerns:
- Student never, rarely, or inconsistently turns in assignments
- Student has not turned in a major assignment
- Student quiz/exam grades indicate they're not grasping the material
- Student has missed an exam and has not contacted you within a reasonable amount of time
- Student grade is in jeopardy if the current level of performance continues
- Alert - Other:
- Student is demonstrating a lack of engagement/participation
- Student is experiencing technology issues
- Student does not have required materials to be successful in the course
- After submitting an at-risk Progress Report and/or Ad Hoc Alert, students may:
- Receive an e-mail
- Receive 2-3 phone calls and/or text messages
- Receive a housing visit from a trained & vetted member of USC's Residence Life team (for 'Alert - Class Absence' reason only)
- Be encouraged to participate in academic support services such as Peer Tutoring/Writing, Success Consultations, and Supplemental Instruction
- Be encouraged to meet with their Academic Advisor to discuss the course and their major at large
- Be encouraged to connect with other campus resources including but not limited to Counseling & Psychiatry and the Student Disability Resource Center
- After submitting an at-risk Progress Report and/or Ad Hoc Alert, these alerts will
trigger cases to develop a response and intervention plan. As a result, instructors
- Receive an automated e-mail from the EAB/Navigate platform once the case is closed
with one of the following outcomes:
- Student Utilized Resource
- Student Unresponsive to Multiple Approaches
- Student Cancelled/No Showed Appointment
- Student Declined Resource
- Alert Issued in Error
- Student Withdrew from the Course
- Receive follow-up communication from the students assigned academic advisor that will
include information on their outreach attempts, information gleaned from contact with
the student, and plans they made with the student
- Receive an automated e-mail from the EAB/Navigate platform once the case is closed
with one of the following outcomes: