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Academic Advising



Make an Appointment with Your Academic Advisor

Before registering for classes each semester, you must meet with your assigned academic advisor in the College of Nursing. 

Commonly Asked Questions about Academic Advising in the College of Nursing

Professional staff advise in this college. All incoming freshmen students are assigned to a first-year professional staff advisor. Advisor assignments are subject to change based on cohort.

You can find out who your assigned advisor is by reviewing your degree audit in DegreeWorks or by checking the Student Information tab in Self-Service Carolina

Easy! You can schedule an appointment online by logging in to the EAB Navigate system.

Advisement for the summer and fall semesters typically begins the first week of February and lasts through the first week of April.

Advisement for the Spring semester typically begins in September and lasts through mid-November.

Changing Majors into the College of Nursing

If you are a current USC student interested in changing your major to Pre-Nursing (Lower Division), first meet with an Exploratory Advisor to ensure you meet all necessary requirements. Then, submit your application to Lower Division by October 1 for spring admission consideration or March 1 for fall admission consideration. Visit the change of major process for the College of Nursing  for more information.

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