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Department of Mathematics


Zhu Wang

Title: Professor
Department: Mathematics
College of Arts and Sciences
Phone: 803-576-5985
Office: LeConte 337
Office Hours: TR 11:30am-2:30pm
Resources: My Website
Curriculum Vitae [PDF]
Zhu Wang

Research Interests

Research interests include scientific computing, data science, reduced order modeling, climate modeling, numerical methods to PDEs.


  • Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (2012)
  • M.S. in Computational Mathematics, Sichuan University, China (2006)
  • B.A. in Information & Computational Mathematics, Sichuan University, China (2003)


  • Associate Professor, University of South Carolina (2018 – present)
  • Assistant Professor, University of South Carolina (2014 – 2018)
  • Industrial Postdoc, IMA, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities (2012 – 2014)

Courses Taught

  • MATH 141: Calculus I
  • MATH 142: Calculus II
  • MATH 241: Vector Calculus
  • MATH 242: Elementary Differential Equations
  • MATH 344: Applied Linear Algebra
  • MATH 520: Ordinary Differential Equations
  • MATH 527: Numerical Analysis
  • MATH 550: Vector Analysis
  • MATH 720: Applied Mathematics I
  • MATH 721: Applied Mathematics II

Selected Publications

  • M. Gunzburger, N. Jiang and Z. Wang.
    An Efficient Algorithm for Simulating Ensembles of Parameterized Flow Problems,IMA J. Numer. Anal., vol. 39 (3), 2019, pp. 1180-1205
  • M. Gunzburger, N. Jiang and Z. Wang.
    A Second-order Time-Stepping Scheme for Simulating Ensembles of Parameterized Flow Problems,Comput. Math. Appl. Math., vol. 19 (3), 2019, pp. 681-701
  • J. Liu and Z. Wang.
    Non-commutative Discretize-then-Optimize Algorithms for Elliptic PDE-Constrained Optimal Control Problems,J. Comp. Appl. Math., vol. 362, 2019, pp. 596-613
  • T. Hoang, W. Leng, L. Ju, Z. Wang, and K. Pieper.
    Conservative Explicit Local Time-Stepping Schemes for the Shallow Water Equations,J. Comp. Phys., vol. 382, 2019, pp. 152-176
  • Y. Luo and Z. Wang.
    A Multilevel Monte Carlo Ensemble Scheme for Solving Random Parabolic PDEs,SIAM J. Sci. Comput., vol. 41 (1), 2019, pp. A622-A642
  • T. Hoang, L. Ju and Z. Wang.
    Overlapping Localized Exponential Time Differencing Methods for Diffusion Problems,Comm. Math. Sci., vol. 16(6), 2018, pp. 1531-1555
  • Y. Luo and Z. Wang.
    An Ensemble Algorithm for Numerical Solutions to Deterministic and Random Parabolic PDEs,SIAM J. Numer. Anal., vol. 56 (2), 2018, pp. 859-876
  • J. Liu and Z. Wang.
    Efficient Time Domain Decomposition Algorithms for Parabolic PDE-Constrained Optimization Problems,Comput. Math. Appl., vol. 75 (6), 2018, pp. 2115-2133
  • H. Fu, H. Wang, and Z. Wang.
    POD/DEIM Reduced-Order Modeling of Time-Fractional Partial Differential Equations with Applications in Parameter Identification,J. Sci. Comput., vol. 74 (1), 2018, pp. 220-243
  • X. Xie, D. Wells, Z. Wang, and T. Iliescu.
    Numerical Analysis of the Leray Reduced Order Model,J. Comp. Appl. Math., vol. 328, 2018, pp. 12-29

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