Please fill out the appropriate form that corresponds to your choice for taking the MAP in person. Ideally, you should register at least 24 hours in advance to retake the MAP in person prior to New Student Orientation, if you are an incoming student.
If you have any issues with the MAP, please contact the team at
Current or Incoming Students
If you are a current student (meaning you are, as of the reading of this page, enrolled in and taking any class at any USC campus), you can only take the MAP in-person. Also, Incoming Students who can take the test in-person outside Orientation, please sign up here.
Incoming Students
Attending New Student Orientation in Winter
Prior to New Student Orientation, incoming students are strongly recommended to first take the MAP online in Blackboard with at least seven days in advance of their Orientation day. If you would like to improve your score, you then have the option to retake the MAP online.
Online MAP Bootcamp
After retaking the MAP, you can request to take the Online MAP Bootcamp course, a short, self-paced online course with tutorials and practice on the topics and skills covered by the MAP. This may help you improve your score. The course will be available starting December 15, 2024, and upon completion of the course, you will be allowed to retake the test one more time if you wish to improve your MAP score. Please complete the Bootcamp course modules and retake the assessment in the Bootcamp course before Saturday, January 18, 2025.