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Department of Mathematics

Accessing SageMath

There are three ways to access SageMath in this course.

  1. SageMath 9.2 is installed on each computer in the lab. It can be accessed by double clicking on the application SageMath 9.2 Notebook. This is the easiest way to access SageMath; however, you will only be able to use this method while in the computer lab. To access SageMath outside of the computer lab, you will need to use method 2 or method 3 below.
  2. SageMath 9.2 is also available via the cloud by using Binder, a cloud-based Jupyter Notebook environment. To use Binder, simply click the Binder Link in the lab schedule. This method requires no installation on your computer; however, any changes you make to the files will not be saved. In order to save your work for future use, you must download the file with your changes as an IPython Notebook file (.ipynb). 
  3. SageMath 9.2/9.4 is open source and free to download. Downloading SageMath 9.2 to your personal computer is the preferred method, especially if you plan to use SageMath later in your career. Instructions for downloading SageMath 9.2 for various operating systems are given below.

First, download SageMath 9.2 for Windows from GitHub. Once Sage has finished downloading, run the file and follow the instructions. Three programs will be installed, but you will mainly use the one labeled Sagemath 9.2 Notebook. Successfully running the program will open a Jupyter Notebook in your Internet browser.

First, download SageMath 9.4 for Mac from Github. Once Sage has finished downloading SageMath-9.4.dmg, run this file and follow the instructions. You can run Sage by finding the app SageMath-9.4 in your Applications folder. The first time you run the program, you will need to right click on the program and click Open instead of double clicking to open. This will allow your Mac to run Sage even though it is a program that wasn't downloaded from the Apple store. Successfully running the program will open a Juptyer Notebook in your Internet browser.

First, download SageMath 9.2 for Mac. This requires that your Mac is updated to at least Version 10.15.7. Once SageMath has finished downloading, run the file and follow the instructions. After installing SageMath-9.2, try to open it by going to the Applications folder, right clicking on SageMath-9.2, and choosing Open. After a few minutes, you will see the error message Jupyter Server failed to start. Note: You must attempt to open it and get the error message in order for the following instructions to work.

To fix this error, first click on the red SageMath symbol in the top toolbar and choose Quit. Then, go to System Preferences - Security & Privacy. Choose the Privacy tab and scroll down to Full Disk Access. Click the lock button in the bottom left of the screen and type in your computer username and password.  Next, click the + and choose SageMath-9.2 in the Applications folder. Once SageMath-9.2 has been added to Full Disk Access, download the SageMath-9.2 fix for Mac. Assuming that the file downloaded into the Downloads folder and that SageMath-9.2 is located in the Applications folder, run the following code in a Terminal window.

  • cd ~/Downloads
  • sudo xattr -d fix_mac_sage9_2.tgz (You will have to type in your computer password after executing this line.)
  • tar xf fix_mac_sage9_2.tgz
  • /Applications/ -python -m fix_mac_sage9_2.fix

Now, SageMath should work without any problems. Go back to your Applications folder and right click on SageMath-9.2 and click Open. Successfully running the program will open a Juptyer Notebook in your Internet browser.

You can download SageMath 9.2 for other operating systems by visiting the Sage download page.

For troubleshooting and more information, visit the Sage homepage or the Sage installation guide. If you have any questions, contact your TA or email

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