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Department of Mathematics

Calculus Labs

The weekly calculus lab meetings are an integral part of both Calculus I (Math 141) and Calculus II (Math 142). These labs are designed with (at least) two purposes: To provide hands-on activities that will further your understanding of calculus and an introduction to and instruction in the use of modern computer software (SageMath). 

Lab Details

General information about the calculus labs can be found in your course syllabus. Course specific information about the labs, such as Weekly Homework Assignments, will be posted to your course's Blackboard page. 

In addition to weekly assignments, there will also be a lab project. Instructions for how to write a project report can be found in the Project Report Guidelines.

The lab worksheets can be accessed via the following webpages.

As mentioned above, you will be using SageMath to complete the lab worksheets. Detailed instructions for accessing/installing SageMath 9.2 can be found on the Accessing SageMath webpage.

A Reference Guide has been provided which includes the following:

  • A list of common SageMath operations and commands
  • Details on the different ways to access SageMath
  • Instructions on how to Create and Upload Files in SageMath
  • Troubleshooting tips about the Notebook Kernel

In order to create or upload files when using Binder, you need to access the Binder Workspace.


Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.