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Department of Mathematics

Dr. Vasquez Featured in Notices of the AMS

Our own Dr. Paula Vasquez has been featured in the September issue (Volume 71, Number 8, September 2024) of the Notices of the AMS for her article, titled "Multiscale Modeling of Viscoelastic Fluids". This is a very prestigious honor, as "the Notices is the flagship periodical for the AMS, which is [itself] one of the flagship organizations for professional mathematicians in the US.  In particular, it is one of the few periodicals (possibly the only one) read by mathematicians across all areas" says Dr. Matt Boylan, Interim Chair of the department. 

The full text of her article is available on the AMS website, linked below.

ABSTRACT: This review aims to introduce the reader to basic concepts related to viscoelastic fluids, focusing mainly on constitutive modeling. We note that each class of viscoelastic fluids has unique properties, posing different mathematical challenges.


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