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Department of Mathematics

Dr. Lili Ju awarded a DOE grant for research on AI for science

Dr. Lili Ju received a research grant for research on AI for science from the Department of Energy (DE-SC0025527): “DyGenAI: Dynamic Generative Artificial Intelligence for Prediction and Control of High- Dimensional Nonlinear Complex Systems”. The total amount of the award is $450,000 for the period of three years from September 1, 2024, to August 31, 2027. This is a part of the collaborative project between ORNL, SNL, Columbia, FSU, Auburn, and USC.

This project will develop a dynamic generative artificial intelligence (DyGenAI) paradigm to transform the generative AI methodology from a static paradigm into a computationally efficient dynamic paradigm. The specific project objectives are: (1) to develop dynamic generative AI models capable of integrating physical principles and observational data to predict evolutionary trajectories of high-dimensional and non-linear dynamical systems; (2) to extend our dynamic generative AI models to estimate unobservable states, facilitating their integration as feedback within the control loop to enhance control actions based on partial observations; (3) to scale our dynamic generative AI models on the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility (OLCF)’s supercomputers using exascale parallel-in-time methods to empower real-time prediction and control of complex dynamical systems.

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