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Division of Human Resources

Wellness Days

The University of South Carolina has identified the following days as wellness days this spring. Students will not have class on these days and will observe these days as an alternative to the traditional spring break. 

  • Monday, February 15
  • Thursday, February 25
  • Friday, March 12
  • Tuesday, March 30
  • Wednesday, April 21

We encourage faculty and staff to also set aside some time on these days to focus on their physical, emotional and mental well-being. Staff supervisors are encouraged to allow employees a 30 to 60-minute wellness break during each of these workdays to:

Employees and supervisors may identify other activities which are in keeping with the intent of these days, the revitalization of body, mind and spirit. If workplace requirements on these days make it impractical to provide a wellness break, supervisors are encouraged to identify alternative dates to offer this important benefit to university staff.

University offices will remain open on wellness days. 

Employees who are experiencing sadness, anxiety, or depression have access to counselors 24 hours a day, 365 days a year through the Employee Assistance Program by calling 800-633-3353 or 704-529-1428. 

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.