The extent to which employees can work by themselves; requiring very little supervision and self-sufficient in assuming the duties of the job.
The degree to which the employee makes mistakes or errors that require correction.
The extent to which the employee can adapt to job or organizational changes.
The physical appearance of the employee at work; cleanliness, grooming, neatness and appropriateness of dress for the job.
Concerns whether the employee is at work each day.
The effectiveness with which the employee presents accurate information both verbally and in writing.
The extent to which the employee cooperates with supervisors, associates and those for which work is performed.
The extent to which the employee can be relied upon to meet work schedules and fulfill job responsibilities and commitments.
The ability to come up with unique responses to situations, and to have the breadth of insight to recognize and to use practical new approaches. It involves not only having new ideas, but also having the ability to recognize a good idea when it comes from someone else.
This refers to continuous learning and growth for the manager and the employees. Developing involves: continuing education and training to stay abreast of the current state of the art in one's field, making projections based on current trends, determining training needs, and selecting appropriate learning activities.
The manager's job involves a degree of emotional stress and strain, which arises as a natural consequence of working situations involving authority, leadership, power, interpersonal conflict, meeting targets and deadlines, all within a framework of some uncertainty and ambiguity. Successful managers must cope with this. Resilient means that they feel the stress, (they don't become thick-skinned and insensitive but are able to cope with it by maintaining self-control and by giving to some extent.
The process of making assumptions about the future and gathering facts and opinions to visualize and to achieve the proposed activities. Planning involves; establishing objectives; communicating the objectives; surveying resources; establishing policies, choosing alternatives and taking action; creating procedures and rules; establishing budgets; establishing timetables; and deciding on standards.
Includes meeting affirmative action goals in such areas as hiring, promotion; or placement; level of personal and organizational commitment to equal opportunity; progress toward achieving a fully integrated and representative work force; and contribution toward minority programs and other social/economic equal opportunity goals.
This category includes technical knowledge, for example, technology relevant to results required; constituency building techniques; engineering knowledge; relevant legislation; sources of finance; and knowledge of basic management principles and theories such as planning, organizing, and controlling.
One definition of management often cited is "getting things done through other people." This definition may be inadequate, but it does point to one of the key features of the manager's job - it requires interpersonal skills. The successful manager develops a range of abilities that are essential in such activities: communicating, delegating, negotiating, resolving conflict, persuasion selling, using and responding to authority.
NOTE: All supervisors and managers must be rated on Promoting Equal Opportunity if their job duties or responsibilities include or impact any of the following: hiring, promoting, or placing employees, supervising, purchasing or contracting.