- Travelers Insurance Company – Auto and home insurance offered to USC employees.
- Employee Assistance Program (EAP) – A practical and confidential resource for permanent employees and their dependents. The EAP provides many different types of assistance such as counseling, legal assistance, financial and health and wellness services.
- Gamecocks LiveWell – A comprehensive worksite wellness program addressing all dimensions of wellness for faculty and staff members.
- PEBA's Health and Wellness Programs – A number of health management programs, value-based benefits and perks offered through the Standard and Savings health plans.
- USC's Employee Wellness Programs
- www.asiflex.com/scmoneyplus – Online system used to manage your MoneyPlus Flexible Spending Accounts. Check PEBA's web page on MoneyPlus.
- Active Notice of Election (NOE) Form [pdf] – Complete this form if you are electing or re-enrolling in a Medical Spending Account, Dependent Care Account or Health Savings Account. Please note you may only elect a Health Savings Account if you have enrolled in the State Health Savings Plan.
- Health Savings Account Online Enrollment Form − If you choose to enroll in a Health Savings Account, you must also open an account with Central Bank.
- South Carolina Deferred Compensation Program (SCDCP) Brochure [pdf] – Brochure outlining 401(K) and 457(b) savings plan offerings administered by Empower Retirement.
- SCDCP Website – Online enrollment system for 401(k) and 457(b) plans.
- SCDCP Enrollment Guide [pdf]
- Deferred Compensation 401K Beneficiary Form [pdf]
- Deferred Compensation 457 Beneficiary Form [pdf]
- Providers of Other Tax-Sheltered Annuity Plans [pdf] – List of 403(b) plan providers.
- Quick Start Guide for Administering Your 403(b) Plan [pdf] - Retirement@Work Portal
Tools and Resources
- ACA Administrator General Questions [pdf] – These FAQs are designed for managers and HR Contacts.
- ACA General Employee Questions [pdf] – These FAQs are designed for general employees.
- ACA USC Department Guidelines [pdf]
- Benefits Providers – Comprehensive list of providers, their contact information and member login access.
- EyeMed Summary of Benefits [pdf] – Comprehensive list of the State Vision Care Plan costs.
- HR Payroll System – Access to information and functions for payroll/paycheck information, benefits information, personal details (such as address and emergency contacts), and talent/education information.
- PEBA Insurance Benefits Guide [pdf]
- USC Insurance Benefits Summary [pdf]
- Insurance Orientation and Education [pdf] – PowerPoint presentation that provides new employees with important information to help you prepare to make the best sections.
- MyBenefits – Online enrollment system used to manage and renew all insurance benefits.
- ACA Marketplace Acknowledgment of Receipt [pdf] – This acknowledgment of receipt must be signed by all new employees and included in their hiring paperwork.
- ACA Marketplace Notice for New Hires [pdf] – This notice must be given to all new employees within 14 days of their start date.
- BlueCard Worldwide International Claim Form [pdf]
- Certification Regarding Tobacco Use [pdf] – This form confirms the tobacco use of you or those you insure.
- Dependent Documentation Worksheet [pdf] – A list of documents that are required for all dependents and spouses.
- Name/Address Change Form – Use this form to update PEBA administered insurance and retirement plans. Completed forms should be returned to the Benefits Office, 1600 Hampton Street, Columbia, SC 29208 or benefits@mailbox.sc.edu. USC HR will distribute to Payroll, PEBA Insurance Benefits and PEBA Retirement Benefits.
- New Employee Transfer of Benefits Form [pdf] – Those employees who are transferring from another South Carolina state-covered entity and those who are transferring within the university are required to continue your same level and type of coverage in existence and must submit this form to Human Resources.
- Notice of Election (NOE) [pdf] – Complete this form to indicate your insurance benefits elections or your refusal of benefits. Please read the instructions on page 2 carefully prior to completing the form.
- Notice of Special Enrollment [pdf] – Notifies employees of their right to make changes to their insurance during special qualifying events.
- State Health Plan Benefits Claim Form [pdf]
- Evidence of Insurability Process [pdf] – This form must be submitted and approved to receive medical evidence of good health for certain life insurance requests.
- Life Insurance Premiums [pdf] – List of current monthly premiums for Optional Life and Dependent – Life Spouse Insurance coverage.
Measles is a highly contagious disease. In the event of an outbreak the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) will take steps to limit the spread of the disease. As part of their efforts, if an outbreak occurs on our campus DHEC will require all faculty and staff to prove measles immunity. Individuals unable to provide proof of immunization will not be allowed to report to work if they work in an outbreak area as identified by DHEC.
The Centers for Disease Control consider you protected if you have written documentation of at least one of the following:
- You were born before 1957.
- A laboratory confirmed that you are immune to measles.
- A laboratory confirmed that you had measles at some point in your life.
- You are an adult who received two doses of measles-containing vaccine after the age of one.
If you were born during or after 1957 and do not know whether you have been fully vaccinated or had the blood test, it is recommended that you contact your health care provider.
Depending on your health care coverage you may be eligible to receive the vaccination at no cost.
- Adult vaccinations, at intervals recommended by the Centers for Disease Control, are covered at no cost to Savings Plan, Standard Plan and Medicare Supplemental Plan members at participating providers. Coverage includes the cost of the vaccine and administration fee if the member receives the shot in a network doctor’s office. Any associated office visit charges will follow regular Plan coverage rules.
- Adult vaccinations, at intervals recommend by the Centers for Disease Control, are also covered by the State Health Plan for primary members if obtained from a network pharmacy.
The vaccination is also being made available to faculty and staff at a reduced cost by the Division of Student Affairs’ Student Health Services Office. (Blood test $29, MMR Vaccine $75)
Faculty and staff are not required to submit their records. Records storage is offered as a courtesy to faculty and staff. This storage complies with all HIPAA regulations concerning medical records and provides a convenient way to quickly and safely meet any reporting requirements should a measles outbreak occur.
Faculty should communicate with their department chair to determine acceptable alternative work assignments, including the potential to work remotely.
Staff should coordinate with their supervisor to determine if it is possible to work remotely.
Approval for remote work assignments will be given on a case-by-case basis and will depend on the nature of the work and available resources.
Personnel who are not able to work remotely will be required to take sick leave, annual leave, leave without pay, or a combination of these options until the exclusion period has passed.
Personnel who have been excluded, but who can subsequently show proof of effective immunization, may be allowed to return to campus. For the measles vaccine to work, the body needs time to produce protective antibodies in response to the vaccine. Detectable antibodies generally appear within just a few days after vaccination. People are usually fully protected after about 2 or 3 weeks.
Tools and Resources
- Benefits Providers – A comprehensive list of providers, their contact information and member login access.
- Dependent Documentation Worksheet [pdf] – A list of documents required for all dependents and spouses.
- PEBA Insurance Benefits Guide [pdf]
- USC Insurance Benefits Summary [pdf]
- It's Your Choice: SCRS vs. State ORP – Video that provides new employees with information about the two retirement plans options they may choose from.
- Member Access – Online enrollment system used to manage and renew retirement membership.
- Setting Up a Member Access Account [pdf] – Instructions on how to register for Member Access.
- Retirement Program Guidelines for Retired Members of PEBA Who are Returning to Employment
- Retirement Program Guidelines for Temporary Employees [pdf]
- Select Your Retirement Plan Guide [pdf] – Guide that provides new employees with information about the two retirement plan options they may choose from.
- Active Member Beneficiary (Form 1102) – For SCRS or PORS pension plans.
- Benefits Data Summary for Transferring Employees [pdf] – Those employees who are transferring from another South Carolina state-covered entity and those who are transferring within the university are required to continue your same level and type of coverage in existence and must submit this form to Human Resources.
- Election of Non-Membership (Form 1104)
- Enrollment Form (Form 1100) - For all retirement plans, SCRS, PORS, and State ORP.
- Name/Address Change Form – Use this form to update PEBA administered insurance and retirement plans. Completed forms should be returned to the Benefits Office, 1600 Hampton Street, Columbia, SC 29208. USC HR will distribute to Payroll, PEBA Insurance Benefits and PEBA Retirement Benefits.
- Refund Request (Form 4101) – For SCRS or PORS pension plans.
- SC PEBA Retirement Forms
- State ORP Beneficiary (Form 1106)
- State ORP Notice of Termination or Change (Form 1162)
Tools and Resources
- Carolina Alert – The university will send notifications regarding any closings or delayed openings using the Carolina Alert system. Register for Carolina Alert or update your contact information at: my.sc.edu/emergency
- Time and Absence System – All leave must be reported through the University’s time and attendance management system.
- USC Insurance Benefits Summary [pdf]
- Holiday Schedule
- South Carolina Emergency Management Division – Any closings or delayed openings of state government offices are posted on this website.
- Time and Absence System – Submit leave requests through the Time and Absence System
- COVID-19 Sick Leave Advancement Request Form [pdf]– Use this form to expedite requests for advancements of sick leave to use for COVID related absences.
- COVID-19 Sick Leave Pool Request Form [pdf] – Use this form to to expedite requests for donated leave from the leave pool to use for COVID related absences.
- Employee Request for Leave (P-83) [pdf]– Non-leave earning employees can request FMLA by submitting this form AND a medical certification or other required supporting documentation.
- Employee FMLA Health Certification Form [pdf] – If the leave is for a period of disability greater than 3 days, you must have a health care provider complete this form.
- Faculty Request for Leave Without Pay Form [pdf]
- Family FMLA Health Certification [pdf] – Employees who are requesting FMLA leave to care for a family member should complete this form instead of the Employee Health Certification Form.
- Military Qualifying Exigency [pdf] – Use this form for military leave requests for foreign deployment for an employee's spouse, child or parent.
- Military Caregiver Leave of a Current Service Member [pdf] – Use this form to request leave to care for a family member who is a current service member with a serious injury or illness.
- Military Caregiver Leave of a Veteran [pdf] – Use this form to request leave to care for a family member who is a covered veteran with serious injury or illness.
- Return From Leave Notification (P-73) [pdf] – This form must be completed when an employee returns to work, a personal emergency ends, or they are terminated from employment.
Leave forms should be sent to the Division of Human Resources' Benefits Office at hrleave@mailbox.sc.edu, or the Campus Human Resources Office.
Take a class...earn a degree...become a lifelong learner with the Employee Tuition Assistance Program.
- Ergonomics
- Employee Injury Report (HR81-B) [pdf]
- Workers' Compensation Supervisory Report (HR81-C) [pdf]
Summary of Work-Related Injuries
The University's Division of Human Resources Office is required to complete and post these summary reports each year, even if no work-related injuries or illnesses occurred during the year. Other University departments are not required to post these items.
- USC Columbia OSHA's Form 300A [pdf]
- USC Aiken OSHA's Form 300A [pdf]
- USC Aiken-Savannah River OSHA's Form 300A [pdf]
- USC Beaufort OSHA's Form 300A [pdf]
- USC Lancaster OSHA's Form 300A [pdf]
- USC School of Medicine OSHA's 300A [pdf]
- USC School of Medicine-Greenville OSHA's Form 300A [pdf]
- USC Salkehatchie OSHA's Form 300A [pdf]
- USC Sumter OSHA's Form 300A [pdf]
- USC Union OSHA's Form 300A [pdf]
- USC Upstate OSHA's Form 300A [pdf]
Cost saving programs are designed to assist departments in managing costs and tailoring the workforce to better meet current and future needs. These may include:
- Reduction in Force (RIF)
- Retirement Incentive Program (RIP)
- Voluntary Separation Program (VSP)
- Furlough (mandatory and voluntary)
- Employee Performance Management System (EPMS) [pdf] – Form used to evaluate the job performance of classified and unclassified staff.
- Performance Feedback Assessment for Non-Covered Employees [pdf] – Form used to evaluate the job performance of university employees who are not classified or unclassified staff.
- Performance characteristics are qualities, traits, or individual characteristics that are needed for employees to perform their job duties successfully.
- Designing Effective Reward and Recognition Programs [pdf] – Consult package for all campuses.
- Faculty and Staff Award Authorization [pdf] – Departments who would like to establish a new award for faculty and staff recognition must submit this form to Human Resources and the Board of Trustees.
- Guidelines for Awarding Pay for Performance Salary Increases for Classified Staff [pdf]
- Guidelines for Developing a Recognition Program at USC - Columbia Campus [pdf]
- Request to Establish Employee Recognition Program [pdf]
- Employee Assistance Program (EAP) – A practical and confidential resource for permanent employees and their dependents. The EAP provides many different types of assistance such as counseling, legal assistance, financial and health and wellness services.
- Grievances – There are laws, regulations, policies and procedures in place to provide covered employees an opportunity to challenge specific unfavorable employment actions they believe were issued inconsistently, improperly or not in accordance with University policy.
- Integrity Line – If talking with your supervisor or other administrator is not an option in dealing with a workplace concern, the USC Integrity Line is an anonymous reporting system, administered by an independent third-party provider, Lighthouse Services, Inc., to report your concerns about questionable or unethical behavior.
- Academic Position Request Form [pdf] – This form is applicable to the Columbia campus only. If this request places your college over their FTE baseline, the Request for FTE Baseline Increase form [pdf] must also be attached when sending to the Provost Office.
- Affiliate Appointment Form [pdf] – Please refer to Univ 2.50 policy on affiliate appointments [pdf].
- Background Screening Candidate Tip Sheet [pdf]
- Department Electronic Background Screening Request form [pdf] – This form should be used for affiliates, students and volunteers that require background and/or drug screenings.
- Dual Request Form [pdf] – Use this form to hire external duals through PeopleAdmin.
- Retirement Program Guidelines for Dual Employment [pdf]
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)
University of South Carolina
- Attestation of Hiring Process [pdf] – This form is a required attachment for all FTE, Research Grant and Time-Limited hiring proposals. Hiring managers and members of the selection committee must disclose any prior relationship with a selected candidate.
- Bridge to Faculty Hiring Process [pdf] This process is for a postdoctoral program designed to recruit talented early-career scholars with the goal of transitioning them to tenure-track faculty members after two years.
- Bridge to Faculty Sample APR Form [pdf]
- Business Process for USC Transfer [pdf]
- Faculty Terms and Definitions [pdf]
- Hiring Proposal Document Grid [pdf] – This document provides an overview of required attachments (supporting documents) by type of hire. If the required attachments are not present on the Hiring Proposal at time of submission, it could delay the hire.
- Request for FTE Baseline Increase Form [pdf] – This form is to be used system wide when exceeding your current FTE baseline.
- USC Transfer Form [pdf]
- Academic Position Request Form [pdf] – This form is applicable to the Columbia campus only. If this request places your college over their FTE baseline, the Request for FTE Baseline Increase form must also be attached when sending to the Provost Office.
- Request for FTE Baseline Increase Form [pdf] – This form is to be used system wide when exceeding your current FTE baseline.
- USC Jobs Online Login for Hiring Managers – Position description system for hiring managers.
- See USC's Market Structure page for more information.
- Retirees Returning to Work [pdf] – Guidelines for hiring employees who have retired from USC or another employer participating in a PEBA administered retirement program.
- HR 2.02 Post-Retirement Employment
- Retirement Program Guidelines for Retired Members of the SCPEBA Who are Returning to Employment
- Applicant Review Template [pdf] – This should be used to compare the candidates against set criteria to determine who to interview. The hiring manager should develop a job specific template prior to reviewing applications. A sample review template [pdf] may help you get started.
- Attestation of Hiring Process Form [pdf] – Once a candidate has been selected, the hiring manager must certify that they meet the minimum requirements and that there are no conflicting relationships. Upload this form into PeopleAdmin.
- Basic Guidelines for Screening Applicants [pdf] – Hiring managers should follow these guidelines to ensure each application is reviewed carefully and that those chosen to be interviewed meet the minimum requirements for the job.
- Justification Form [pdf] – Consider crafting a memo or completing this justification form to present to the department head or manager for approval to hire the selected candidate.
- Rating Guide [pdf] – After constructing a good set of job-related questions for your interview, you should also produce a rating guide to help score each applicant you interview.
- Reference Check [pdf] – Use this form to help conduct a thorough reference check on your top candidate for the job.
- Additional Compensation (Multiple Assignment) Request for Research Grant/Time-Limited Positions (RG/TL-AC) [pdf] – This form is used for RG/TL employees who are requesting additional compensation.
- Attestation of Hiring Process [pdf] – Hiring managers and members of the selection committee must disclose any prior relationship with a selected candidate. Upload this form into PeopleAdmin for all FTE, research grant and time-limited positions.
- Business Process for USC Transfer [pdf]
- Procedures for Establishing, Filling, and Terminating RFP/TL Positions [pdf]
- RGP Hiring Process Timeline [pdf]
- RGP/TL Reappointment Letter – Effective 4/1/2019, this letter replaces the RGP/TL Agreement form. Attach this letter to reappointment actions that are submitted to HR Operations and Services.
- USC Transfer Form [pdf]
- Sample position descriptions:
Laboratory Technologist
Post Doctoral Fellow
Research Assistant Professor
Research Associate
- Foreign National Tax Information Form [pdf] – Required for international student hires.
- Student Hire Request Form [pdf] - This form is only to be used if a student does not appear in HCM PeopleSoft search OR if the student is enrolled on a different campus than the campus on which they are being hired to work. Completed forms should be sent to studenthr@mailbox.sc.edu.
- Student Job Codes and Types of Pay [pdf]
- Access/Removal Request to Human Resource Systems [pdf] – Complete this form to request or remove access to the following HR Systems:
- PeopleAdmin/USC Jobs
- HR Drop Box
- HR Intranet
- I-9/E-Verify
- Background Check
- Drug Screening
- Tracking Log Notifications and Payroll Actions Report
- Other HR Systems
- PeopleSoft HCM All Access Form [pdf] – Submit a ticket through the Service Now Portal and attach this form to request or remove access for the following roles in PeopleSoft
- HR Roles
- Payroll /Business Manager Roles
- Finance Roles
- Time/Labor and Absence Management Approval Roles
- User Agreement for Responsible Use and Confidentiality of Data [pdf] – This form should be submitted for anyone who has access to confidential personnel data, information systems and files in various forms.
Questions regarding all aspects of summer compensation should be directed to HR Operations and Services at: SALADMIN@mailbox.sc.edu.
- Individual Development Plan (IDP) Form [pdf]
- LEAD Certificate of Completion Checklist [pdf] – Use this checklist to help keep track of your progress towards completion of the management development program.
- Non-Supervisory IDP Example [pdf]
- Supervisory IDP Example [pdf]
Required Workplace Posters
All university departments are required to have the following items posted in the workplace:
Federal Workplace Posters
- Employee Rights Under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) [pdf]
- Employee Rights Under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)(Minimum Wage) [pdf]
- If You Have The Right To Work... [pdf]
- Know your Rights: Workplace Discrimination is Illegal [pdf]
- Notice of Affirmative Action Plan for Disabled Persons [pdf]
- Pay Transparency [pdf]
Reaffirmation of Policy on Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action [pdf]
This Organization Participates in E-Verify [pdf]
- Your Rights Under USERRA Notice [pdf]
- USDA-And Justice for All (Federal Assisted Programs)[pdf]
- USDA-And Justice for All (SNAP Program)[pdf]
- EEOC Notice to USC Employees
State Workplace Posters
- Required Work Place Poster-SC Dept of Labor, Licensing and Regulation (LLR) [pdf]
- SC Discrimination-SC Dept of Human Affairs Commission (SCHAC) [pdf]
- SC Employment Discrimination-SC Dept of Human Affairs Commission (SCHAC) [pdf]
- SC Law Prohibits Employment Discrimination [pdf]
- SC Workers' Compensation Compliance-SC Workers Compensation Commission (WCC) [pdf]
- SC Workplace Laws: Notice to Employees [pdf]
Optional Workplace Posters
Summary of Work-Related Injuries Posters
The University's Division of Human Resources Office is required to complete and post these summary reports each year, even if no work-related injuries or illnesses occurred during the year. Other University departments are not required to post these items.
- USC Columbia OSHA's Form 300A [pdf]
- USC Aiken OSHA's Form 300A [pdf]
- USC Aiken-Savannah River OSHA's Form 300A [pdf]
- USC Beaufort OSHA's Form 300A [pdf]
- USC Lancaster OSHA's Form 300A [pdf]
- USC School of Medicine OSHA's 300A [pdf]
- USC School of Medicine-Greenville OSHA's Form 300A [pdf]
- USC Salkehatchie OSHA's Form 300A [pdf]
- USC Sumter OSHA's Form 300A [pdf]
- USC Union OSHA's Form 300A [pdf]
- USC Upstate OSHA's Form 300A [pdf]
Payroll Deadlines, Forms and Requirements
HR actions must be submitted to HR Operations and Services on or before noon on the following dates:
2024 Pay Period Ending | Deadline (Submit to HR by Noon on) |
January 15, 2024 | Thursday, December 7, 2023 |
January 31 | Monday, January 8, 2024 |
February 15 | Thursday, January 18 |
February 28 | Friday, February 2 |
March 15 | Tuesday, February 20 |
March 31 | Friday, March 8 |
April 15 | Friday, March 22 |
April 30 | Friday, April 5 |
May 15 | Friday, April 19 |
May 31 | Monday, May 6 |
June 15 | Thursday, May 23 |
June 30 | Friday, June 7 |
July 15 | Thursday, June 20 |
July 31 | Monday, July 8 |
August 15 | Wednesday, July 17 |
August 31 | Thursday, August 1 |
September 15 | Friday, August 16 |
September 30 | Friday, September 6 |
October 15 | Friday, September 20 |
October 31 | Monday, October 7 |
November 15 | Monday, October 21 |
November 30 | Monday, November 4 |
December 15 | Friday, November 15 |
December 31 | Wednesday, November 27 |
2025 Pay Period Ending | Deadline (Submit to HR by Noon on) |
January 15, 2025 | Monday, December 9, 2024 |
January 31 | Wednesday, January 8, 2025 |
February 15 | Monday, January 20 |
February 28 | Monday, February 3 |
March 15 | Wednesday, February 19 |
March 31 | Thursday, March 6 |
April 15 | Friday, March 21 |
April 30 | Monday, April 7 |
May 15 | Monday, April 21 |
May 31 | Tuesday, May 6 |
June 15 | Wednesday, May 21 |
June 30 | Thursday, June 5 |
July 15 | Friday, June 20 |
July 31 | Tuesday, July 8 |
August 15 | Monday, July 21 |
August 31 | Tuesday, August 5 |
September 15 | Tuesday, August 19 |
September 30 | Friday, September 5 |
October 15 | Monday, September 22 |
October 31 | Wednesday, October 8 |
November 15 | Wednesday, October 22 |
November 30 | Monday, November 3 |
December 15 | Monday, November 17 |
December 31 | Wednesday, November 26 |
Visit the Payroll Office website for information about payroll deadlines and requirements and other useful forms.
Absence Approval Deadlines
Managers and TL/ABS Approvers should ensure planned absence requests are submitted and approved in the Time and Absence System by 5:00 p.m. on the following dates:
Please note these deadlines are for planned absences only. Unforeseen absences should be submitted and approved as quickly as possible.
2024 Absence Processing Period |
Absence Approval Deadlines |
October 1 – October 15 | Monday, October 4 |
October 16 – October 31 | Friday, October 18 |
November 1 – November 15 | Monday, November 4 |
November 16 – November 30 | Thursday, November 14 |
December 1 – December 15 | Monday, December 2 |
December 16 – December 31, 2024 | Monday, December 9 |
2025 Absence Processing Period |
Absence Approval Deadlines |
January 1 – January 15, 2025 | Thursday, January 2 |
January 16 – January 31 | Monday, January 20 |
February 1 – February 15 | Monday, February 3 |
February 16 – February 28 | Monday, February 17 |
March 1 – March 15 | Monday, March 3 |
March 16 – March 31 | Tuesday, March 18 |
April 1 – April 15 | Wednesday, April 2 |
April 16 – April 30 | Thursday, April 17 |
May 1 – May 15 | Friday, May 2 |
May 16 – May 31 | Friday, May 16 |
June 1 – June 15 | Monday, June 2 |
June 16 – June 30 | Tuesday, June 17 |
July 1 – July 15 | Tuesday, July 1 |
July 16 – July 31 | Friday, July 18 |
August 1 – August 15 | Monday, August 4 |
August 16 – August 31 | Monday, August 18 |
September 1 – September 15 | Tuesday, September 2 |
September 16 – September 30 | Wednesday, September 17 |
October 1 – October 15 | Thursday, October 2 |
October 16 – October 31 | Monday, October 20 |
November 1 – November 15 | Monday, November 3 |
November 16 – November 30 | Thursday, November 13 |
December 1 – December 15 | Tuesday, December 2 |
December 16 – December 31, 2025 | Tuesday, December 9 |