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Division of Human Resources

How to enter leave and time worked during the flood

As a result of hazardous weather conditions, Governor Haley issued Executive Order (2015-27) [pdf], granting leave with pay for State employees for their absences from work during the week of October 5 through October 12.

When the Governor declares a state of emergency for the county in which your campus is located and authorizes leave with pay, there are specific time codes that must be used to report your leave or time worked during this time. Employees who earn annual leave should follow the instructions listed below. 

Employees who did not work during the state of emergency
All staff should account for any time away from work by entering the leave type “HAZW-PAID-Paid Weather Time” for applicable hours. 

If you have already entered your time in ITAMS, please have your supervisor update your time sheet to substitute the leave type “HAZW-PAID-Paid Weather Time” for the type of leave you already entered.

Please note that employees are only granted leave with pay for the hours that your campus was closed. The Columbia campus and School of Medicine were closed October 5, 6, 8 and 9, USC Sumter was closed October 5, 6, 7 and 8 and USC Lancaster was closed October 12.

Non-exempt, essential employees who were required to work during the state of emergency
These employees must enter your time worked in ITAMS just as you normally would. In addition, you must also enter the hours of your normal work day into the time code labeled HAZW-PAID – Paid Weather Time. If you have already entered your time in ITAMS, you may be required to correct the previously submitted time sheet, if it was not done in accordance with this guidance.

Non-exempt, essential employees who were required to work during this time should earn compensatory time on an hour for hour basis for the hours worked. At the discretion of the director or department head, exempt employees may receive compensatory time off for hours worked during the emergency in accordance with HR1.84 Minimum Wage, Official Workweek, and Overtime Compensation policy [pdf].

Exempt, essential personnel who were required to work during the state of emergency
These employees normally do not enter time worked, but their leave is entered in ITAMS. USC would like to capture the time all employees worked because of the nature of the disaster and possible reimbursement from FEMA. These employees should enter the hours of their normal work day into the time code labeled HAZW-PAID – Paid Weather Time. In addition, please double click on the hours block and add the actual time worked to the “Comment For” section and select “Emergency Leave” for the “Reason” section. Employees may be required to correct previously submitted timesheets if not done in accordance with this guidance.

Please view the Payroll website for additional instructions on recording the paid leave, or contact Tony Gonzalez in the Payroll Department. Policy questions should be directed to Jamar Mitchell or Ro Kelly in the Division of Human Resources.  

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