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Division of Human Resources

Benefits fair kicks off the 2020 open enrollment season

In preparation for open enrollment, Human Resources is hosting a Benefits Fair on Tuesday, September 24, 2019 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Russell House. Benefits Office staff will be available in Room 201 to initiate open enrollment changes, and vendors will be available in the ballroom to answer your questions.

Health Screenings and Flu Shots  

Not only will you have the opportunity to get lots of valuable information, but you will also be able to take advantage of many free or low-cost health screenings and flu shots.

Highlighting this year’s benefits fair is a FREE preventive workplace screening provided by Carolina Occupational Health. The screening includes a health risk appraisal, lipid profile, chemistry profile, hemogram, and height, weight and blood pressure check. Additional testing can be added for an additional fee. 

This $350 health screening is available at no cost for eligible subscribers and their covered spouses once per year. To be eligible, you must be enrolled in either of the State Health Plans. If you are enrolled in the TRICARE Supplemental Plan, you are NOT eligible for this benefit.

Register online before Tuesday, September 24 to schedule your appointment. The health screenings are in Room 303 of the Russell House, and appointment times begin at 7:30 a.m. and run through noon. A 12 hour fast is required for an accurate screening.

Campus Wellness will be onsite in Room 305 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. to provide free blood pressure and body fat screenings. Registration is not required.

The Palmetto Health mobile mammography bus will be available from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. in front of Petigru College. Please register for your mammogram by calling 803-296-8888 (Toll free 1-800-221-9724) and indicate that you are registering for the USC Benefits Fair.

You may also register online at by clicking on “Patient/Guests” and thenRequest an Appointment”. Please be sure to select “Mobile Mammogram” for appointment type and “Palmetto Health Mobile Mammography” for preferred location.

To be covered by your insurance, your last mammogram must be more than a year ago. For registration you will need: your insurance card, the date the mobile bus will be at USC (September 24, 2019), and your doctor’s full name and full mailing address.

Montgomery Speech Language Hearing Clinic will offer free hearing tests from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Room 309 of the Russell House. Registration is not required.

Thomson Student Health Center will be providing flu shots from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. for faculty and staff in Room 301 of the Russell House. Please contact the health center at 803-777-3175 regarding any associated costs. Flu shots will be given on a first-come, first-served basis.

Massage Envy will be offering free individual massages from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Room 304. Space is limited. Please contact Lindsay Johnson at 803-777-6650 to schedule your appointment.

Open Enrollment 

Open enrollment takes place from October 1 – 31. During this time, you may make the following changes:

  • Enroll or drop dependents from your coverage
  • Change from one health plan to another plan
  • Enroll or drop dental coverage
  • Enroll or drop vision coverage
  • Enroll or drop the insurance premium feature of MoneyPlus
  • Elect to participate in the MoneyPlus medical and dependent care spending accounts – you must re-enroll each year to continue participation

Look for PEBA’s 2020 Insurance Summary newsletter during the month of September through campus mail. Published by the S.C. Public Employee Benefit Authority, this newsletter provides details about open enrollment and benefits related information to state employees.

Beginning October 1, 2019, you may make changes to your coverage outlined in PEBA’s Insurance Summary. Deductions to your coverage will be effective January 1, 2020 and will be reflected in your December 15, 2019 paycheck. MoneyPlus changes will be reflected in your January 15, 2020 paycheck.

For any questions regarding the Benefits Fair or open enrollment, please contact the Benefits Office by calling 803-777-6650 or emailing

Published August 14, 2019

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