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IT Event Support

The purpose of this policy is to provide clarity regarding the services offered by the College of Nursing IT department and its staff for events.


IT staff works with CON event coordinator and vendor(s) to determine the needs of the CON event coordinator and the available services from the vendor(s). IT staff performs a needs assessment and represents the CON event coordinator in communicating with the vendor(s) on IT/technical related details of the event.

IT Support

Before and during the event, desktop support level technical details are the responsibility of IT staff.  We work with vendor staff to connect laptops to ensure video and audio are being sent to the appropriate outputs. If internet connectivity is needed, IT staff works with vendor staff to make sure laptops are properly configured to gain access. Any documents or files that are needed for the event must be available prior to the event and made available to be pre-loaded to the on-site laptop.  


Audio/Video (AV) is the process of amplification of audio and video signals to the event location, whether it be on-site, remote or both. The use of microphones, speakers, mixing equipment, video display, projectors and the connecting cables are all considered AV.  The event vendor(s) makes available the equipment and support to produce AV for the event. The event vendor will have wireless, wired microphones as well as on-site amplification and video projection/display systems. The event vendor will support all AV aspects of the event. There are costs associated with the vendor(s) providing AV support.

Live Streaming

Live streaming is the process of taking AV signals from on-site event equipment and sending that signal to an online video streaming service (YouTube, Facebook, Panopto). There are multiple technologies being utilized in this process. The use of digital video cameras, computers, internet, streaming hardware and software and connecting cables are typical. Live streaming is not typically a part of normal AV packages. This will be an extra service offered and is typically offered by the vendor(s) AV team.  

Town Hall/Virtual Meetings

For an event to incorporate virtual meetings requires an integration and use of software and hardware with the event vendor(s) AV components, as well as additional technology like laptops to create and manage virtual meetings. Typically a subscription is needed for an online service like Zoom or Teams. For a town hall style event, additional licensing and expertise is needed to bring that aspect to an event.

College Level Events

The CON IT department provides comprehensive support for the events deemed “College Level."  Examples of “College Level” events are listed but not limited to the following:

  • White Coat Ceremony
  • Stethoscope Ceremony
  • Convocation
  • Annual Retreat

Additional events may be deemed “College Level” through coordination with the various deans and the IT director.

Depending on availability of staff and expertise, outside support may be needed for specific services. Minimally, best efforts will be made for someone from the IT staff to be present and to provide general IT support as well as other services as possible based on availability and expertise.

Non-College Level Events

The CON IT department will work with CON faculty and staff to facilitate technical aspects of their events/meetings. Best efforts will be given to provide consultation and coordination with the CON event coordinator and the event vendor. If the event is in the CON building, during normal business hours, best efforts will be made for someone from the IT staff to be present and to provide general IT support as well as other services as possible based on availability and expertise.

Engaging CON IT for Event Support

  1. Submit a ServiceNow Request to the College of Nursing IT deptartment. Include the date, time, location, event purpose and any details that seem relevant to IT. Please make your request in a timely manner, giving ample time for planning, communication, coordination and delivery.  Two months prior to the event is preferred.
  2. A CON IT staff member will reach out to the requestor to set up a meeting to provide a needs assessment.
  3. The CON event coordinator/requestor, CON IT need to meet at the event location to plan details with the vendor.
  4. A recommendation will be written, detailing our assessment of the overall technical needs for the event, based on the needs assessment and the site visit.
  5. CON IT staff need to be included in the planning sessions for the meeting and continued communication should occur.

Library Services

USC Library's technology services provides several services that may be useful to the College of Nursing, to supplement our in-house IT service offerings.

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