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College of Nursing

  • Simulated participant in the role of a family member at bedside

Simulated Participant Program

The Simulated Participant (SP) program began in the Fall of 2017 and has quickly become one the most respected Simulated Participant programs in the Southeast. The program is used to help educate and assess undergraduate nursing students as well as graduate level practitioners.

The goal of the Simulated Participant program is to create a safe, supportive, and systematic environment in which our students can develop and practice interviewing for health histories, performing physical examinations, and communicating effectively with patients. Students also receive critical feedback from the SP, identifying behaviors observed during the simulation encounter, and how those behaviors made them feel as the patient or family member they portrayed.  As a result of these experiences, our students improve their skills and their ability to provide the very best health care for their future patients.

What is a Simulated Participant?

A Simulated Participant, sometimes referred to as Standardized Patient (SP), is a person who has been trained to portray the history, symptoms, emotions, and concerns of an actual patient, family member, or other role pertinent to the patient case, and to do so in the same way so that different students receive the same experience, and can be evaluated on consistent experiences.

For more information

Contact Kelly Russin or Lonnie Rosier.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.