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College of Nursing

  • clinical education building

Center for Simulation and Experiential Learning (SAEL)

Mission Statement
Combine theory-based methodology, evidence-based practice, and research to facilitate transformative experiential learning experiences that prepare students to enhance patient safety and advance healthcare education.

Vision Statement
To serve as a leader for simulation best educational practices and a resource for faculty development with the goal of improving quality and safety of patient care to individuals, families, and the communities we serve.


With 17,235 square feet, the Center for Simulation and Experiential Learning (SAEL) is located across the river at the College of Nursing's satellite campus, 150 Sunset Court, West Columbia, SC 29169. A multi-purpose design that includes a large area for skills training, rooms for debriefing/multi-use, patient simulator rooms and clinical exam rooms. All patient simulator and clinical exam rooms have video and audio capture capabilities with web streaming delivery. SAEL was accredited by the Society for Simulation in Healthcare in 2020 and is recognized as a leader in delivering educational excellence through simulation.

Center Orientation

Orienting faculty and students to the simulation lab is critical for understanding how simulated events are accomplished. We provide hands-on-training on how manikins, equipment, and software is used. Although live support is always at hand, we also provide orientation material on Blackboard Ultra to help students and faculty refresh their memories before they enter the center on the days they simulate.

Who we are


Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.