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College of Nursing

    Research Strengths

    College of Nursing faculty are dedicated to advancing the growing body of nursing research. Our interdisciplinary teams focus on high-need areas that are at the heart of our researchers' commitment to the patients and communities we serve. The college is at the forefront of transformative nursing research which spans all faculty expertise areas.


    Faculty Research Focus Areas

    Our faculty experts are available to provide context and commentary on a variety of topics. For interviews, additional information or assistance, please contact Nicole Meares.

    Category Name Department Expertise
    Cardiovascular Health, 
    Health Disparities,
    Health Equity,
    Health Risk Behavior Change,
    Men's Health,
    Rural Health
    Abshire, Demetrius  Biobehavioral Health & Nursing Science Cardiometabolic assessment and behavioral clinical trials.
    Cancer Research Adams, Swann Biobehavioral Health & Nursing Science A systems theory approach to the study of colon and lung cancer health disparities using novel data linkages
    Cardiovascular Health, 
    Health Disparities, 
    Health Equity, 
    Health Risk Behavior,  Change
    Andrews, Jeannette Dean and Helen Gurley Wolford Professor of Nursing Community engaged research, tobacco cessation, lifestyle behavior change, cardiovascular risk reduction, cancer prevention.
    Health Disparities Armstrong, Stephanie Professional Nursing Practice Women and infant health, Human Trafficking, International Nursing Education
    Mental Health Baliko, Beverly Advanced Professional Nursing Practice & Leadership Stress, mental health disorders, violence and abuse educational interventions.
    Health Policy Bartmess, Marissa Professional Nursing Practice Health services policy , nurse staffing , developing and retaining the nurse workforce and nurse well-being.
    Health Equity, Rural Health, Women's Health Baumstark, Jennifer Advanced Professional Nursing Practice & Leadership Gender diversity, midwifery
    Health Equity, Pediatric Care, Nursing Education Chappell, Kate Professional Nursing Practice Developing and testing programs to support families of children with specific health care needs. Child abuse prevention, intervention, and recognition. Caregiver vigilance for child sexual abuse. Effect of Adverse Childhood Experiences on families. Experiential learning in nursing education.
    Infectious Disease Custer, Sabra Professional Nursing Practice Interprofessional Education in Infection Prevention: Establishing the South Carolina Regional Infection Prevention Training (SCRIPT) Center
    Neonatal Care Dail, Robin Biobehavioral Health & Nursing Science Observational trials, RCTs, mixed methods.
    Chronic Illness, Health Informatics, Women's Health Donevant, Sara Biobehavioral Health & Nursing Science Using technology and informatics to address significant issues in health care and improve patient outcomes.
    Cancer Research, Chronic Illness, Health Disparities, Sleep Dyer, Amanda Biobehavioral Health & Nursing Science Complexities of sleep disturbances in survivors of early-stage lung cancer to improve sleep quality, sleep quantity, and overall quality of life among this population to develop symptom management strategies aiming to improve symptom outcomes among early-stage lung cancer survivors.
    Neonatal Care Everhart, Kayla Biobehavioral Health & Nursing Science Medical management of preterm infants as well as the basic physiological processes related to the development of Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC) in very premature infants to reduce infant morbidity and mortality. 
    Cancer Research, 
    Health Disparities, 
    Health Equity, 
    Women's Health, 
    Maternal Health
    Felder, Tisha Biobehavioral Health & Nursing Science Community-engagement, mixed methods (qualitative + quantitative), Black women's health, racial and socioeconomic disparities, health equity, social and structural drivers of health, breastfeeding and breast cancer prevention and survivorship, mentoring and training, workforce diversity.
    Women's Health, Sleep Harris, Eboni Professional Nursing Practice Rest and sleep, nursing education.
    Cardiovascular Health, Health Disparities, Health Equity Magwood, Gayenell S. Biobehavioral Health & Nursing Science Characterizing the influence of COVID-19, Racial Trauma, and Social Networks on CV Health Factors among young Black women in the South
    Chronic Illness, 
    Data Equity, 
    Geriatric Care, 
    Health Disparities, 
    Health Equity, 
    Health Policy, 
    May, Jennifer Biobehavioral Health & Nursing Science Health issues and health care experiences of sexual and gender minorities, particularly older adults. Investigating factors that affect health outcomes and access to care for marginalized populations. Researching the unique challenges faced by SGM individuals living with dementia and their caregivers. Examining patterns of healthcare use among LGBTQ+ populations and advocating for policy changes to improve access and quality of care.
    Cardiovascular Health, Dietary Behaviors, 
    Health Disparities, 
    Health Equity, 
    Health Risk Behavior Change
    McCoy, Carrie Biobehavioral Health & Nursing Science Hypertension self management through lifestyle behavior change.
    Cancer Research, 
    Chronic Illness, 
    Health Disparities, 
    Health Risk Behavior Change
    McDonnell, Karen  Biobehavioral Health & Nursing Science Developing and testing behavioral and supportive care interventions for survivors of cancer and their partners to promote cancer risk-reducing behavior modification and symptom self-management. Exploring theoretical models of shared decision-making regarding facilitating decision-making between high-risk patients and their professional caregivers concerning lung cancer screening.
    Cancer Research, 
    Health Disparities
    Health Equity
    Mitchell, Sheryl Advanced Professional Nursing Practice & Leadership Breast cancer survivorship.
    Geriatric Care Mulkey, Malissa Biobehavioral Health & Nursing Science Effects of critical illness on cognitive function in older adults, such as delirium, sleep, dementia, and care transitions.
    Chronic Illness, Disability & Rehabilitation Research, 
    Health Disparities, 
    Health Equity, 
    Health Risk Behavior Change
    Newman, Susan Biobehavioral Health & Nursing Science Community engagement/community based participatory research, intervention development and testing, spinal cord injury rehabilitation, spinal cord injury self management
    peer support, and disability related health disparities.
    Cancer Research, Chronic Illness, Health Risk Behavior Change, Women's Health Pinto, Bernardine Biobehavioral Health & Nursing Science Motivating patient populations to modify risk behaviors, promotion of physical activity among patient populations (middle aged and older adults), physical activity promotion among cancer survivors, peer mentoring for management of chronic diseases and randomized controlled trials.
    Health Equity, 
    Mental Health, 
    Rural Health, 
    Substance Use Disorder Disparities
    Raynor, Phyllis Biobehavioral Health & Nursing Science Primary mental health and substance use disorder treatment for diverse individuals at risk for mental health conditions and substance use disorders (SUDs) across the lifespan using a patient-centered approach to care delivery and facilitate behavioral change. Maternal health outcomes post-newborn birth through the infant's first year of life to determine environmental and systems level supports needed to improve maternal and fetal outcomes. Leveraging digital self-management interventions to support mental health, self-care, parenting, and long-term recovery from mental health and SUD for parenting people and their children.
    Cardiovascular Health, 
    Health Disparities, 
    Health Equity, 
    Health Care Management, 
    Health Risk Behavior Change, 
    Rural Health
    Sloane, Sarah Biobehavioral Health & Nursing Science Implementation science, clinical trials, mixed methods, and qualitative methods
    Health Disparities, Health Equity, Health Risk Behavior Change, Women's Health Sweeney, Allison Biobehavioral Health & Nursing Science Health behavior change (physical activity) through social environmental processes, motivation, community-based participatory research, quantitative and qualitative methods, randomized controlled trials.
    Health Informatics Tavakoli, Abbas Advanced Professional Nursing Practice & Leadership Health-related statistical analysis and data management. This includes survey design, general linear modeling, categorical analysis, experimental design, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, as well as sample size and power analysis.
    Health Disparities, 
    Health Equity, 
    Health Policy, 
    Women's Health
    Tucker, Curisa Biobehavioral Health & Nursing Science Adverse maternal outcomes such as severe maternal morbidity, postpartum readmissions, maternal death, peripartum cardiomyopathy.
    Chronic Illness, 
    Health Disparities, 
    Health Equity, 
    Health Risk Behavior Change, 
    Mental Health
    Vick, Lori Biobehavioral Health & Nursing Science Biopsychosocial health needs of persons living with Sickle Cell Disease (SCD). Her research interventions use motivational interviewing and  health behavior change to support improvements in self-management, health-related decisions, and health outcomes in individuals with SCD.
    Cancer Research, 
    Health Disparities, 
    Health Equity
    Wickersham, Karen Biobehavioral Health & Nursing Science Cancer survivorship, targeted therapy, qualitative research, bio-behavioral research, health disparities in cancer care, older adults.
    Brain-Gut Axis, 
    Chronic Illness, 
    Health Disparities, 
    Mental Health, 
    Women's Health
    Weaver-Toedtman, Kristen Biobehavioral Health & Nursing Science Biopsychosocial influences on the brain-gut connection in individuals with chronic abdominal pain and other chronic conditions.
    Cancer Research, 
    Health Risk Behavior Change
    Wirth, Michael Biobehavioral Health & Nursing Science Circadian biology including, but not limited to, shiftwork, sleep, hormone rhythms (e.g., melatonin and cortisol), and chrononutrition (e.g., intermittent fasting). Diet quality with a specific focus on dietary inflammatory potential and the use of the Dietary Inflammatory Index (DII).
    -Intersection of diet quality and sleep quality on health. 
    -Burnout and stress among early career nurses and nursing students.
    Health Disparities, Health Equity Worthy, Karen Advanced Professional Nursing Practice & Leadership SC Nursing Initiative to Address COVID-19 Health Disparities & Inequities
    Chronic Illness, Health Care Management, Health Risk Behavior Change, Women's Health,  Wright, Pamela J. Biobehavioral Health & Nursing Science Resistance exercise as therapeutic management for women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) across the lifespan, social connectedness, and digital technology for intervention delivery.

















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