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College of Nursing

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The Office of Practice guides the development of community partnerships to create opportunities for faculty to practice through the roles of clinician, educator, researcher, consultant and administrator. The College of Nursing has cultivated interprofessional academic and practice-based partnerships that provide faculty opportunities to serve as teaching sites for undergraduate and graduate nursing students.

Practice Benefits for Faculty and Students 

The Office of Practice  engages in interprofessional and collaborative opportunities for faculty and students, and utilizes faculty practice as a model for change in health care practice and policy. We do this through a variety of partnerships, some of which are care-delivery focused and others that are educationally focused.

The College of Nursing has cultivated interprofessional academic and practice-based partnerships that provide faculty practice opportunities to serve as model teaching sites for undergraduate and graduate nursing students. Our educational partnerships focus on preparing students and clinicians to care for those in inpatient and outpatient settings, including those in rural and underserved areas.

Our clinical practice partnerships seek to improve the health and welfare of people and exist to foster faculty practice and education of nursing students. Practicing while teaching allows faculty to stay current in their field provides hands-on experience to students. 

Partnerships and Practice Sites

Faculty practice sites include hospital systems, federally qualified health centers (FQHCs), private practice, government agencies, and faith-based community agencies.

Kelly Niermeier
Brooke Patterson (Lexington Family Practice)

Sabra Custer (Immunology & Infectious Diseases)
Stephanie Schaller (Pediatrics)

Meet the Expert

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.