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For Current Students

Undergraduate Computer Standards

Computer Requirements

The College of Nursing requires that all students in the Nursing Program have a notebook/laptop computer that meets or exceeds the requirements below.  This computer is essential for use in completing research, academic, and communications tasks. You can purchase a new computer or use a computer you already own, provided it meets the minimum specifications below.  Writing tablets, iPads, and similar devices currently do not meet the requirments of the standard.  The College supports both Mac and PC (Windows) computer platforms for student use.  The College relies on a variety of web based applications in the learning environment, and Google Chrome is recommended to access most content.


Macintosh Minimum Requirements

PC/Windows Minimum Requirements

Processor 2.0 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo Processor 2.0 GHz Intel Core i3 Processor
Operating System OS X 10.11 (El Capitain), fully updated with firewall enabled Windows 7 or later, fully updated with firewall enabled
Hard Drive (HDD) 128GB Hard Drive 128GB Hard Drive
Networking Hardware 802.11g Wireless Network Card 802.11g Wireless Network Card
Video Card Integrated Graphics Card Integrated Graphics Card


Computer Purchasing through USC

The University of South Carolina does have purchasing programs for enrolled students.  The College has partnered with Dell to offer a few different computer options at competitive pricing - College of Nursing Dell Partner page.

Additionally you can visit the University Technology Services Computer Purchase Page for University pricing and more information.  Any available discounts or promotions for purchase will be listed on this site.  Apple computer purchases are also available via this link.

Software used in the Nursing Curriculum

Below is a list of the most common software packages used at the USC College of Nursing, along with a link to the manufacturer's minimum requirements: 

Blackboard Learn is a browser-based application where you can work on and submit assignments and other coursework.  Most modern browsers will work with Blackboard, but we currently recommend the latest release of Google Chrome to maximize compatibility.  For full requirements, visit the Blackboard Support Page.

Adobe Connect web conferencing software service offers immersive online meeting experiences for collaboration and virtual classrooms.  Many of our online courses are delivered through Adobe Connect and professors use the application to record lectures for delivery outside of class time.  See the Adobe Connect Support Page for full system requirements.

Microsoft Office 365 is the productivity software students will need to submit most assignments at the College of Nursing.  Visit  Microsoft's Support Page, and be sure to expand the link for the Office 365 plans for business, education, and government section to see them.  Office 365 is compatible with Macintosh Computers.  The University provides this software as part of the technology fee to current students.  Visit the UTS Office 365 instruction page to learn how to access the software.

The College of Nursing utilizes ExamSoft for secure delivery of assessments within the Nursing program.  This platform allows Nursing assessments to be delivered without the use of a simultaneous network connection.  The ExamSoft (Examplify) Support Page has a full listing of system requirements.

ATI Nursing Education  offers programs that are instrumental in improving faculty, student and program outcomes.  This online-based assessment program is used throughout the curriculum to prepare Nursing Students to pass the NCLEX examination.  It is a browser based program, and full system requirements can be found on the ATI Support Page.

Laptop Support

College of Nursing IT staff can assist you getting setup with the software listed on this page, getting connected to the wireless network and preparing it for use with Examplify, our online examination software.  You may bring your laptop to the Carolina Tech Zone (CTZ) for additional technical assistance.  College of Nursing IT staff can only assist with Nursing Software implementations, not general troubleshooting.

Financial Aid

Students who wish to add the cost of a personal computer to their loan funds should schedule an appointment with a counselor in the University's Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships, located at 1244 Blossom St., Suite 200 Columbia, SC 29208.  Bring the invoice or receipts for your computer purchase with you to the appointment.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.