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South Carolina Honors College

  • State House Intern

State Government Program

The State Government Program affords students opportunities to work in state government while earning academic credit. 


Understanding the past, Exploring the present, Impacting the future

The State Government Program is a competitive internship program that affords students the opportunity to learn about South Carolina government operations through a 3 credit-hour seminar class in the fall and an internship with a state agency in the spring. Students will also earn academic credit for their internship.

The program supports students interning in state government and a broad range of state agencies. Through this practical experience, students have the chance to witness firsthand the operation of state government and various facets of public service. This program is applicable to all majors.


The State Government Program is open to all current South Carolina Honors College students. Students must possess maturity and a strong work ethic to interact with state government officials and agency administrators as a representative of the program.

Courses and Credits

The State Government Program is a two-semester commitment:

Fall Semester:
SCHC 490: State Government Program: Seminar (3 credits)
Course attributes: Social Behavioral Science (Honors), GSS (Carolina Core)

Spring Semester:
SCHC 491: State Government Program: Internship (3 credits)
Course attributes: Beyond the Classroom (Honors), Not Core

The State Government Program: Seminar (SCHC 490) is completed in the fall, one semester prior to the State Government Program: Internship (SCHC 491). The seminar focuses heavily on state government operations and policymaking processes. Students have the chance to discuss current issues with a range of guest speakers, including government officials and state agency administrators. The course also encompasses instruction on job search techniques and supports students with their internship search for SCHC 491. 

The State Government Program: Internship (SCHC 491) is completed in the spring. Students are required to work at least 150 hours throughout the spring semester and will complete academic coursework online. 

Application Instructions

Stay tuned for upcoming dates for the 2024-25 program

The application consists of

  1. Student information (name, USC ID, GPA, major, etc.)
  2. Personal statement regarding interest in the program and relevance to educational and career goals (500 words or less
  3. Resume

Apply Now

Internship Sites

Examples of recent internship sites include but are not limited to:

Appleseed Legal Justice Center   Governor’s Office
 Attorney General's Office  Lt. Governor’s Office

Bureau of Community Health and Chronic Disease Prevention

 Office of Regulatory Staff
 Department of Commerce  Retirement Investment System Commission
 Department of Education  Richland Soil and Water Conservation District
Department of Health and Environmental Control  Senate Judiciary Committee  
 Department of Natural Resources   SC State Museum
 House Democratic Caucus   SC Technical College System 
 House of Representatives   State Treasury Department
 Human Affairs Commission  SC Supreme Court


Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
