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Division of Human Resources

Pay Actions

Financial compensation is one of the best ways to recognize or reward employees for their hard work and contributions.

Bonuses may be awarded to all full-time equivalent (FTE) staff, faculty and unclassified administrators. Research grant and time-limited employees are also eligible depending on funding. Temporary and student employees are not eligible to receive bonus payments.

Intended to recognize significant accomplishments and unique contributions, you may consider a bonus for: 

  • Increased organizational productivity 
  • Development and/or implementation of improved work processes
  • Exceptional customer service 
  • Realized cost savings 
  • Other specific contributions to the success of the University. 

Employees may receive more than one bonus annually, so long as the total awarded does not exceed $3,000.

General increases to base pay are issued by the Legislature. The increase cannot result in an annual equivalent salary that is above the maximum salary of the pay band. 

Pay for Performance salary increases are awarded on the basis of exemplary performance.

For classified staff and unclassified staff, pay for performance salary increases may be awarded for up to 15% of an employee’s base salary, provided the increase does not place the employee’s salary above the maximum of the pay range for the position.

To be eligible for a pay for performance increase the employee must have a rating of “Successful” or above on the most recent performance appraisal within the last twelve months and also meet two or more of the following criteria:

  • A significant increase in service or productivity through innovation
  • Demonstrated positive attitude and spirit of service and cooperation
  • A substantial contribution to the goals of the unit through the performance of special assignments or the provision of exceptional customer service not previously included in performance objectives

Beyond general increases and pay for performance increases, employees may qualify for base salary increases as a result of:

  • Rank Promotions (limited to faculty and academic unclassified staff)
  • Additional Duties or Responsibilities
  • Additional Skills and Knowledge
  • Retention
  • Equity
  • Promotion
  • Change in Unclassified Title
  • Reclassification

Classified and unclassified staff who are promoted, reclassified, receive an in-band increase or have their pay band reallocated to a higher band are eligible to receive a salary increase for up to 15% of an employee’s base salary, provided the increase does not place the employee’s salary above the maximum of the new band. Salaries must be brought to the minimum of the higher pay band at the time the action becomes effective.

Flexibility in the administration of staff salaries requires careful management attention to ensure salary decisions are based on reasons that are non-discriminatory and can be documented and defended by the responsible administrator.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
