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Graduate School

Bridge Humanities Postdoctoral Teaching Fellows Program

April 15, 2020 | The Graduate School | The UofSC College of Arts and Sciences

The Bridge Humanities Corps (BHC), now in its fifth year, will continue in revised form during the 2020-21 academic year. Six recent PhDs (within 3 years of degree) from the College of Arts and Sciences will be selected as Bridge Humanities Postdoctoral Teaching Fellows (PTF) through a competitive application process.

Forsaking other employment, fellows will teach a three-quarter load, which will allow time to participate in pedagogical workshops and professional development activities.  CAS graduate students who have received their doctorates in the Humanities or who have defended a dissertation with a humanistic focus in the Social Sciences are eligible to apply, provided that they have graduated from their doctoral program no earlier than August 2017 and no later than August 2020.

Current 2019-20 BHC members may reapply for the 2020-21 academic year, so long as they have not only met all the stipulated requirements during their first year in the BHC but also successfully defended their dissertations and graduated by no later than August 2020. Current fellows are not guaranteed reappointment and will be evaluated along with all other applicants through a competitive selection process.

Program Requirements
  • Doctorate in hand by August 2020 (mandatory).
  • Completion of GRAD 701 or its equivalent by the end of fall 2020.
  • 3:3 teaching load as instructor of record for SAEL 200 or its equivalents.  Equivalents will be determined by the CAS based on instructor needs and courses for which fellows are qualified to teach. 
  • Mandatory attendance of interdisciplinary pedagogical training on meeting the Carolina Core (VSR and CMS) requirements to be offered by the Assistant Director in August 2020.
  • Student evaluations distributed and collected each term; peer evaluation once per academic year conducted by the Assistant Director.
  • Mandatory attendance of two additional pedagogical training sessions (one per term) offered by the Assistant Director and designed to enhance the quality of instruction and help build a cohort of fellows.
  • Mandatory attendance of 4 professional development sessions (2 per term) facilitated by Dr. Davis and focused on developing job search and career skills in order to improve fellows’ odds of employment in a variety of sectors, both within and outside of academia.
  • Submission of two reports to both the Director and Assistant Director (due January 2021 and May 2021).
  • Refusal of additional employment at the University or state entities during the entire length of the 2020-21AY program.

 Fellows will receive:

  • $32,500 salary with applicable fringe benefits, including access to health insurance if eligible.  
  • Cohort program designed to provide support for new professionals, develop best practices for teaching and aid in career success.

All fellows must forego any other employment within the University and state system during the entire length of the 2020-21 academic year program.

Application Deadline: April 27, 2020

Visit the Bridge Humanities Postdoctoral Teaching Fellows Program online for more information about the program and to apply for the program here: Bridge Humanities Postdoctoral Teaching Fellows Program

Fellows for 2020-21 will be announced by May 11, 2020.  For questions, please contact Dr. Cynthia Davis at

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