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Graduate School

Educational Practice and Innovation – EdD


Fully Online/Accelerated Term Format

  • Major: Educational Practice and Innovation
  • Degree: Doctor of Education
  • School/College: Education

Program Website

See the program curriculum and learn about admission. 


 Apply Now

Ready to apply? Take note of any deadlines and documents required for this degree program.

Concentrations in Curriculum Studies, Learning Design and Technologies, and STEM:

Fall, Spring, and Summer start dates available


Fall Application Deadline: April 15
Spring Application Deadline: November 1
Summer Application Deadline:  February 15

Concentration in Education Systems Improvement:

New cohorts begin once per year in the Fall semester


Fall Application Deadline: April 15

Required Documents

  • Official Transcripts
  • 2 Letters of Recommendation – Submit 2 letters of recommendation from people who can speak to your ability to matriculate into this doctoral program and complete a dissertation.
  • Personal Statement - Describe how the Ed.D. in Educational Practice and Innovation and your selected area of concentration is a good fit for you. The statement should include:
    • specific details describing how this program is a good fit for you
    • how the program supports your professional goals
    • an identified Problem of Practice for the Dissertation in Practice and what led you to believe this is a problem in your work.
    • any evidence of research methods, including action research, expertise.
    • For those applying to the Education Systems Improvement concentration, in addition to all of the above, you should also include in your personal statement:
      • your potential to positively impact social justice and equity outcomes
      • your high propensity for and/or experience with producing innovation (however you define it)
      • your leadership experience 
  • CV or Resume
  • Recent Scholarly Writing Sample (e.g., graduate level paper from previous coursework or publication) with applicant as sole author and using American Psychological Association (APA) citations and references

A Note from the Program

Applicants will be notified of admission decisions approximately one month after application deadline. See the program website for application and deadline information.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.