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Graduate School

Opportunities Bulletin Board

This is the place for events, fellowships, job postings, announcements and learning opportunities for graduate students from all disciplines across the university. We update this page regularly, so check back often!

Jobs, Fellowships, Events & Announcements

Job Description 

Dr. Emily Mann (Department of Health Promotion, Education, and Behavior) seeks to hire a Graduate Research Assistant (GRA) for the 2024-2025 academic year to provide support for a research project examining the biomedicalization of advanced maternal age in the United States (see project summary below). 

This position is 10-20 hours per week, depending on GRA availability. Research activities may include collecting textual data (e.g., popular media, news media), conducting literature reviews, engaging in qualitative data analysis of interviews and texts, and supervising undergraduate research assistants.

Project Summary

In the United States, the number of women who have delayed childbearing until age 35 or older has increased dramatically over the last 50 years. Medical experts regard pregnancies at advanced maternal age as high-risk. Nevertheless, older first-time mothers are more likely to be of high socioeconomic status, which may mitigate the risks associated with pregnancy at advanced maternal age. Using a combination of interviews and textual analysis, this project examines the production and dissemination of biomedical knowledge about advanced maternal age and its social implications. The project advances sociological theorizing about biomedicalization, health, and reproduction, and addresses pressing medical and social concerns about reproductive risk.

Key Responsibilities
  • Data Collection: Identify relevant scholarly and popular texts and aggregate them into a database.
  • Data Cleaning: Clean and prepare transcripts for qualitative data analysis.
  • Data Analysis: Conduct qualitative data analysis using software.
  • Collaboration: Work closely with Dr. Mann and undergraduate research assistants. Attend weekly meetings (in-person or over Zoom), proactively communicate progress and any challenges, and provide research support as needed.
  • Graduate student currently enrolled at USC with a strong academic standing.
  • Experience with conducting qualitative data analysis using software (Dedoose experience preferred). 
  • Excellent scholarly written and verbal communication skills.
  • Ability to work independently and collaboratively with the PI and undergraduate research assistants, manage time efficiently, and proactively communicate progress and challenges on a regular basis. 
  • Preferred qualifications: Training/education in medical sociology and/or science and technology studies (STS); familiarity with and interest in reproductive health and justice, maternal health, and birth equity.

The position pays $25 per hour for 10-20 hours per week during the academic year with the possibility of continuing to work on the project during Summer 2025.


Interested graduate students should send a copy of their CV to Dr. Emily Mann, Associate Professor of Health Promotion, Education, and Behavior, at In the email, put GRA Application in the subject heading, briefly introduce yourself, and provide the following information: 

  • Level of knowledge about medical sociology and/or STS, reproductive health issues, and qualitative research methods.
  • Previous experience conducting qualitative data analysis of interview transcripts and cultural texts.
  • Your personal interest in the research topic. 

Qualified applicants will be contacted by Dr. Mann to schedule an interview. 

Posted 7/25/2024

The South Carolina Honors College seeks a diligent and intellectually curious Graduate Instructional Assistant (GIA) for the Senior Thesis Preparatory Course, SCHC 390, during the Fall '24 and Spring '25 semesters. As the nation’s number one public honors college, SCHC boasts a diverse student population and unique curriculum. The Senior Thesis is a major component of the Honors curriculum: to graduate with Honors, students must complete an undergraduate thesis under the direction of a full-time faculty member at USC. Thesis projects vary in topic, scope, and genre: some are traditional research papers, while others involve a creative component, such as delivering a performance, designing clothing, or creating a computer game. 

SCHC 390 is a mandatory one-credit, asynchronous, online course in which students prepare for their senior thesis. In the course, students develop a research question, analyze current, relevant scholarship in an annotated bibliography, draft an 8-to-12-page thesis proposal, and find a full-time faculty member to serve as a thesis director. Though the class is online and asynchronous, there are firm deadlines for students to complete each component. 


GIAs will be responsible for grading four assignments during the semester and will work with the SCHC 390 instructor to provide timely and detailed feedback on student work. GIAs will also develop and deliver one short presentation to students and will assist with thesis events or activities (such as the Fall Showcase and Spring Symposium) when needed.

This is a fantastic opportunity to work with high-achieving students on a wide array of creative and innovative thesis projects. 

Time Commitment

This 10-hour-per-week position runs from 8/20/24 to 4/30/25, with the option to renew for the following academic year. Aside from occasional team meetings or thesis events, the position is primarily remote/virtual. Assuming deadlines are met, working hours are flexible. 


$3,750 stipend per semester.

Application Process

If you are interested, please complete this short application form no later than August 2, 2024. If you have any questions or experience difficulties with the application form, please contact Senior Thesis Coordinator, Michael Flansburgh, at

Posted 7/19/2024
Job Description

Dr. Kathleen Broussard (Department of Sociology) is seeking an independent, highly motivated, and skilled Graduate Research Assistant (GRA) for the 2024-2025 academic school year to provide support with a new research project examining the causes and consequences of unrealized fertility in the United States (see project summary below). 

This is a flexible, part-time position of 5 hours per week, intended to supplement other graduate student duties. If successful during the academic year, the GRA may continue to work 20 hours per week during summer 2025. Research activities may include but are not limited to literature reviews, analysis of survey data from the National Survey of Family Growth, data cleaning, and creation of tables and figures. 

Project Summary: 

In the US, more than a third of women reach age 40 with fewer children than they desired, a phenomenon known as unrealized fertility. As the average age of pregnancy continues to rise, people will increasingly face barriers to parenthood and childbearing. Although reproductive health outcomes vary across socioeconomic status in the U.S., little research has investigated disparities in people’s ability to have the children they desire, a core tenet of reproductive justice. This study will identify both biological and social determinants of unrealized fertility and assess its prevalence among women in the United States.

Key Responsibilities

Data Cleaning and Preparation: Download, merge, clean, and prepare large datasets for analysis. 

Data Analysis: Perform statistical analyses to examine trends, correlations, and patterns in survey data from the National Survey of Family Growth, as well as other datasets. 

Data Visualization: Create tables, figures, and visualizations of findings to effectively communicate complex data insights.

Collaboration: Work closely with Dr. Broussard to ensure data cleaning and analysis are conducted in a timely manner. Attend meetings (in-person or over Zoom), proactively communicate progress and any challenges, and provide data support as needed.


- Graduate student currently enrolled with a strong academic standing.

- Experience with data cleaning and analysis using Stata statistical software. 

- Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal, with the ability to present data in a clear and compelling manner 

- Ability to work independently, manage time efficiently, and proactively communicate progress and challenges on a regular basis. 

Preference: Previous experience analyzing survey data (ideally the NSFG) and interest in research topics related to sexual and reproductive health, maternal health, families, fertility, or population health and well-being. 


This position provides hourly pay of $20/hr for 5 hours per week during the academic year and 20 hours per week during the summer. 


Interested graduate students should send a copy of their CV or resume to Dr. Kathleen Broussard, Please briefly introduce yourself in the body of your email and provide the following information: 

  • Your personal interest in the research topic
  • Level of experience using Stata statistical software 
  • Previous experience conducting quantitative analysis of survey data 

Eligible applicants will be asked to demonstrate their proficiency with Stata by completing several small tasks involving data cleaning and analysis. 

Posted 7/9/2024
Job Description

The Graduate School is seeking a highly motivated and skilled Graduate Assistant to join our team, focusing on data cleaning, analysis, and visualization across a variety of data projects. This position will play a crucial role in supporting the Graduate School's efforts to make data-driven decisions and to communicate complex data in an accessible way to a broad audience. Projects will include but are not limited to analysis of funding, career outcomes, and admissions data.

Key Responsibilities

Data Cleaning and Preparation: Clean and prepare large datasets for analysis. Identify and correct errors or inconsistencies, deal with missing values, and ensure data integrity.

Data Analysis: Perform statistical analyses to uncover trends, correlations, and patterns in data related to graduate funding, career outcomes, admissions, and other relevant areas. Preferred: ability to use advanced statistical techniques and models to predict trends and outcomes.

Data Visualization: Create compelling and informative visualizations of data findings for both technical and non-technical audiences utilizing tools such as Tableau to develop dashboards, graphs, and charts that effectively communicate complex data insights.

 Collaboration: Work closely with The Graduate School recruiters, program coordinators, and other staff members to ensure data needs are met and findings are integrated into decision-making processes. Participate in meetings and provide data support as needed.

Data Governance and Ethics: Ensure all data management practices comply with university policies and ethical standards, including data privacy and security guidelines.

Project Management: Assist in the planning and execution of data-related projects. Ensure projects are completed on time and within scope, coordinating efforts across different departments when necessary.


- PhD student currently enrolled in a graduate program with a strong academic standing.

- Demonstrated experience with data cleaning, and analysis tools and techniques.

- Strong analytical skills with the ability to interpret complex data and translate findings into actionable insights.

- Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal, with the ability to present data in   a clear and compelling manner.

- Ability to work independently and collaboratively in a fast-paced environment.

- Strong organizational skills and attention to detail.

- Preference for proficiency in statistical software (e.g., R, Python) and visualization tools (e.g., Tableau, Power BI).


This position provides tuition, $20,000 stipend, and health insurance.


Interested graduate students should send a copy of their resume to Angelina Sylvain,

Posted 5/9/2024

The Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE) provides professional development, pedagogical, and instructional design support for all who teach at USC. CTE seeks a part-time graduate student to provide instructional design support for the University’s transition from Blackboard Learn Original Course View to Blackboard Learn Ultra Course View (UCV). This is a 20 hour per week temporary hire position, $15/hr, from March 2024 – May 2025. No tuition assistance or benefits will be provided.

The Instructional Design Assistant will:
  1. Collaborate with the instructional design team and eLearning consultants (the Blackboard UCV transition team) to assist in the creation of resources for the UCV transition website.
  2. Contribute to the development of multimedia content, tutorials, and documentation to facilitate faculty understanding of UCV features.
  3. Support the UCV transition team in providing assistance to individual faculty members and groups during the UCV transition.
  4. Assist in conducting one-on-one consultation sessions (in person and virtual) with faculty members to address questions and concerns related to UCV.
  5. Attend Blackboard Days (training sessions) to provide on-site support and assistance to faculty during the open lab sessions.
  6. Assist with guidance and troubleshooting to ensure a smooth transition to UCV for Blackboard Day attendees.
  7. Assist in the organization and facilitation of professional development sessions on UCV.
  8. Assist in customizing training sessions based on faculty needs and levels of familiarity with the UCV platform.
  9. Attend UCV implementation team meetings and contribute insights from a student perspective.
  10. Collaborate with team members to provide support in instructional design aspects of the UCV implementation process.
Preferred Qualifications:
  • Current enrollment in a graduate program related to Instructional Design, Educational Technology, or a similar field.
  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills for effective collaboration.
  • Familiarity with instructional design principles and an interest in educational technology.
  • Basic understanding of Blackboard Learn Ultra Course View (UCV).

To apply, please submit the following information no later than February 28, via email to Aisha Haynes (

  1. Letter of Interest
  2. Résumé or Curriculum Vitae
  3.  Names and contact information for two references

Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis.

Questions and Contact Information

Aisha Haynes, EdD | Assistant Director
Center for Teaching Excellence | University of South Carolina

Posted  2/15/2024

University 101 is accepting applications for new instructors for fall 2024. Prospective instructors should submit the new instructor application, along with a cover letter and resume. 

  • master's degree or higher from an accredited institution (official transcript required)
  • status as a full-time university employee, retiree of USC Columbia, or Ph.D. student
  • completion of the Teaching Experience Workshop
  • approval by the instructor's supervisor or department chair
  • approval by the director of University 101 Programs
  • participate in regular professional development opportunities offered by University 101 Programs
Application Process

  Visit the University 101 Programs web page for full application instructions.


Individuals can now register to take the TOEFL iBT ®  and the GRE® General Test at home.  ETS  will answer questions about at home testing virtually,  and on demand. Learn more here.


Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
