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My Honors College

Course Description

HNRS: A Podium to Call their Own: Skateboarding's Journey to the Olympics

Fall 2021 Courses

SCHC 326 H01 28411

Course Attributes:
HistoryCiv, Humanities, BeyondClRoom, GHS

Andrea L'Hommedieu

HSCLIB 135 on TR @ 10:05 am - 11:20 am


Seat Capacity:


**Course fulfills GHS requirement but does NOT fulfill CAS US or Non-US History requirement.**Tracing the history of skateboarding in the United States, you will engage with the local skateboarding community by recording their stories from the 1970s to the present. You will learn best practices for conducting, transcribing, and preserving oral history interviews. A list of interviewees will be provided, but you may choose to interview someone not on the list. A website for the class project will feature the interviews. The interview assignment, reflection papers, an annotated bibliography, and a final project placing the interview in the context of skateboarding history will conclude the class. Online class time will be split between online instruction and research/service (interviewing) and related activities.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
