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My Honors College

Course Description

HNRS: Law and Ethics of Mass Communications

Fall 2021 Courses

JOUR 303 H01 14731

Course Attributes:

Eric Robinson

SJMC 116 on MW @ 03:55 pm - 05:10 pm


Seat Capacity:

Examination of First Amendment free speech and press guarantees and limitations, including commercial speech regulation, libel, privacy, copyright, trademark and open records and meetings, and related ethical principles for mass communications professionals. FS: 04/04/2018. CL: 2020.


**Open to ALL Honors students. Required course for journalism and mass comm majors and can be used toward the minor.**Journalism 303 is a course focusing on the laws and regulations affecting mass communications. We try to blend a mix of both the theoretical concepts underlying efforts to protect and enhance speech and the more practical aspects related to avoiding legal problems for students planning a media-related professional career.The overall goal for this course, as it should be for any course taught in this university, is to prepare students to take their rightful place as leaders in society once they leave the academy. Specifically, our objectives are for students to become articulate defenders of the whole concept of freedom of speech, appreciate how speech can be harmful to others and develop an understanding of how legally and ethically to avoid unnecessarily so doing. As well, students should comprehend how speech can become intellectual property and how to protect their creative speech efforts and to not violate the property rights of others.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
