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Communications and Marketing

Subunit Logos

Subunit logos are available for specific academic and administrative units, centers and institutes. A subunit logo includes the subunit name along with its parent college or school.

Subunit logos are available for specific academic departments, administrative offices, centers and institutes. All unit and subunit logos are created and provided by the Division of Communications and Marketing. Subunit logos must be approved by the supervising dean or vice president.

Do not create a new subunit logo or modify an existing subunit logo. To request a subunit logo for your department, center or office, consult with your college communicatorBefore using subunit logos, review and understand the usage and guidelines for subunit logos and how to use them appropriately for the purpose of your message or communications.

A subunit logo consists of the tree and gates mark, the name of the subunit and the name of the parent academic unit and the university name. If the subunit is an administrative unit or university-wide center, the University of South Carolina appears instead of the name of the parent academic department.


    Used For

    • Subunit level communications

    Not Used For

    • Representing the University of South Carolina as a whole
  • University of South Carolina College of Information and Communications School of Journalism and Mass Communications logo.


Logo Usage and Guidelines

All guidelines and usage for the centered logos and the horizontal logos apply to the unit and subunit logos as well.

  • Only use official files; do not create new logos or modify an existing logo.
  • Do not attempt to typeset a logo for another unit or center.
  • Do not alter the colors, arrangement or scale of any of the logo elements. 


Make It Accessible

All logos must be made accessible with the official alt text for each unit. 

Unit Alt Text Pattern: University of South Carolina [UNIT NAME] [SUBUNIT NAME] logo.

  • Example: USC Percussion

    Official Alt Text: University of South Carolina School of Music USC Percussion logo.



Request a Subunit Logo

To request a subunit logo for your department, center or office, consult with your college communicator.


When to Use What Logo

Do not use multiple subunit logos in the same piece. Instead, use the logo that best covers both entities. If two departments from the same unit are sponsoring an event, use the unit logo.

  • University of South Carolina College of Arts and Sciences History Department logo plus University of South Carolina College of Arts and Sciences Department of Political Science equals University of South Carolina College of Arts and Sciences.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.