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Communications and Marketing

Communicators Network

The Communicators Network is open to all faculty and staff members with communications and marketing responsibilities on all University of South Carolina campuses.

Network and Build Professional Skills

The Communicators Network is designed to support campus communicators. The group gathers regularly for educational programming, for updates about university marketing and communications efforts, and to interact and exchange ideas with one another.

The Communicators Network:

  • Helps build a strong, distinctive brand for the University of South Carolina
  • Provides a critical venue for sharing up-to-date information about university branding, integrated marketing and communications initiatives
  • Offers valuable presentations and contemporary speakers on topics critical to communicators, including the importance of brand strategies, marketing communications planning, social media trends, web standards and public relations
  • Assists in the dissemination of consistent marketing messages to target audiences
  • Provides an opportunity for collaborative sharing of successful ideas, resources, best practices and communication strategies.


Communications Council

The Communications Council serves as an advisory council for all things communications, including the strategic direction of the Communicators Network. The Communications Council is a group of senior communications professionals representing all academic and administrative units, alumni and athletics. It meets regularly to share and discuss communications strategies, tactics, opportunities, needs and best practices. 

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.