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Communications and Marketing

Email Signature Generator

This easy-to-use form helps faculty, staff and students create a standard email signature including contact details and the appropriate academic or university logo.

Complete the form to build a custom email signature. There are two types of signatures to choose from, a simple signature and a more detailed signature. Choose your preference and fill in as much information as you want, leaving blank what you don't want to include.

When your signature is ready, copy it to your clipboard and paste it into the email signature window of your email application, adjusting as necessary. Microsoft Outlook provides additional guidance for working with email signatures on both desktop or web applications.


Types of Email Signatures

  • Simple email signature with person's name, title, phone number, email address, office name, university name and logo.

    Simple Signature

  • Simple email signature with person's name, title, pronouns, phone number, email address, website URL, twitterhandle, office name, university name, address and logo.

    Detailed Signature


Build Your Email Signature

* indicates suggested fields
Type of Signature *
List your name how you like to be addressed. Do not use a formal name if you do not go by it. When applicable, professional designations or certifications may be placed directly after your name. Ex.: Jane Doe, FAIA
Only include the phone types if you are using two phone numbers.
Include Logo? *
Signatures can include an academic or university logo. Administrative unit staff should include the university logo in their email signature.

Generated Email Signature


University of South Carolina

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.